Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

Rick Scott Pulls Florida Out of PARCC

"We listened to many people who are passionate about making
Florida’s education system the best in the world during our Education Summit in Tampa a few weeks ago. The summit’s discussions were so robust and diverse that they have led to three actions today. First, I sent a letter to Chairman Chartrand outlining a six-step course forward for Florida to ensure we continue to hold our students to high education standards. Excellence in education begins with high expectations for our students. Second, I told the federal government we are rejecting their overreach into our state education system by withdrawing from PARCC. Last, I issued an executive order to address state assessments, ensure student data security and support a transparent and understandable school accountability system."
Rick Scott Pulls Florida Out of PARCC

"We listened to many people who are passionate about making
Florida’s education system the best in the world during our Education Summit in Tampa a few weeks ago. The summit’s discussions were so robust and diverse that they have led to three actions today. First, I sent a letter to Chairman Chartrand outlining a six-step course forward for Florida to ensure we continue to hold our students to high education standards. Excellence in education begins with high expectations for our students. Second, I told the federal government we are rejecting their overreach into our state education system by withdrawing from PARCC. Last, I issued an executive order to address state assessments, ensure student data security and support a transparent and understandable school accountability system."
Good for Florida ....

Isn't "the federal government we are rejecting their overreach into our state education system" the same as government indoctrination!
Stunning Update: Seventh Grade Students Suspended Until JUNE for Playing With Airsoft Guns on Private Property

In a unanimous decision on Tuesday morning, a disciplinary committee voted to hand down long-term suspensions to three Virginia Beach seventh-grade students for playing with airsoft guns on private property.

The incident occurred on Sept. 12 as the students played with the airsoft guns on the Caraballos’ private property while waiting for the school bus. The front yard in which the boys were playing is located 70 yards from the bus stop.

Both Khalid and Aidan say they never took the toy guns to the bus stop or to school. But that didn’t stop the school from suspending them for “possession, handling and use of a firearm.” However, the offense was altered this week to change the wording to “airsoft gun” instead of “firearm.”
Good for Florida ....

Isn't "the federal government we are rejecting their overreach into our state education system" the same as government indoctrination!

I've been saying all along it's another government Trojan horse, just like Obamacare.
Cant wair til this one goes to court.

Which court? It's against the law for the Federal Gov't to dictate educational standards to the states. That's why this was done through a Governor's board, with the Feds giving the carrot of financial support to the states if they sign on to it.

I think what upsets a lot of people about it, is that it's a vehicle for which the Feds can influence the curriculum because they hold the purse strings. Another case of the camel getting his nose under the tent.
Feds are not behind going apedh*t over toy guns.
No, it's not. That would be the local school boards that like to pass the "zero tolerance" laws about guns and drugs. Remember the teen who was strip searched looking for Tylenol? Yet another zero tolerance policy.
That's a big if.
the Blaze? "may be expelled"? What's the rest of the story, I wonder?
If you choose to read the story you will find the The Blaze is merely reporting on a story from WAVY channel 10 out of Virginia Beach. It really doesn't make you look very credible when you try to discredit a reference unless of course it is an opinion article.

Attempting to discredit a hard line news story that multiple news agencies are reporting on makes your comment irrelevant...... just sayin'!
No, it's not. That would be the local school boards that like to pass the "zero tolerance" laws about guns and drugs. Remember the teen who was strip searched looking for Tylenol? Yet another zero tolerance policy.
So, the feds have no influence on school policy, huh?

I can accept that ..... as your opinion alone, of course!
So, the feds have no influence on school policy, huh?

I can accept that ..... as your opinion alone, of course!
that's not what I said, of course. Feds have way too much influence on school policy via regs and federal money, which shouldn't be.

But, I thought the issue was "liberal" indoctrination and absurd zero tolerance gun policies.
that's not what I said, of course. Feds have way too much influence on school policy via regs and federal money, which shouldn't be.

But, I thought the issue was "liberal" indoctrination and absurd zero tolerance gun policies.
Well, obviously I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I will agree the Feds have way too much control over everything .... including our educational process.

And, yes .... the issue is "liberal" indoctrination and absurd zero tolerance gun policies.