Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

High School Principal Cancels Pledge of Allegiance Citing Gov’t Shutdown — and Now He Could Be in Big Trouble

A Nebraska high school principal may face disciplinary action after he cited the government shutdown as the reason for canceling the daily pledge of allegiance one day last week.

District superintendent Troy Unzicker told TheBlaze his office is investigating the incident and considering taking disciplinary action against Alliance High School principal Patrick Jones for his actions last Monday.
Parents Outraged Over This Highly Intrusive School Survey – Which Was Deleted Shortly After TheBlaze Started Asking Questions

What’s your religion? Your sexual orientation? Your parents’ political affiliation? Should “assault rifles” be banned? Who’s to blame for the government shutdown?

Do these sound like questions that high school sophomores should have to answer?

A Maryland high school that is “Common Core” compliant — as described to TheBlaze by a representative — allegedly administered a survey to its sophomore class that pried for personal information in a way that was apparently so invasive and intrusive that two parents contacted TheBlaze to show it to us.

If President Obama were caucasian how much more or less criticism do you think he would he recieve? (sic)

    • A lot less
    • Somewhat less
    • No difference
    • Somewhat more
    • A lot more
Appeals court to consider Calif. school's Cinco de Mayo American flag ban

SAN FRANCISCO – Racial tensions and gang problems were plaguing a Northern California high school when three students arrived for classes in 2010 wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.

Unpleasant verbal exchanges and altercations marked the previous year's Cinco de Mayo celebrations at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, 20 miles south of San Jose. So when students told administrators that trouble was a possibility because of the American flag attire, the students were ordered to turn their shirts inside out or go home.
Is this really what you want your 11th graders reading?

‘The Bluest Eye’ under fire as part of Common Core reading list, content includes incest, rape and pedophilia

The work in question comes from Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison who explains her motivation for the book.

Morrison, says that she wanted the reader to feel as though they are a “co-conspirator” with the rapist. She took pains to make sure she never portrayed the actions as wrong in order to show how everyone has their own problems. She even goes as far as to describe the pedophilia, rape and incest “friendly,” “innocent,” and “tender.” It’s no wonder that this book is in the top 10 list of most contested books in the country.
Is this really what you want your 11th graders reading?

‘The Bluest Eye’ under fire as part of Common Core reading list, content includes incest, rape and pedophilia

The work in question comes from Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison who explains her motivation for the book.
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
Two Muslim Holy Days Could Become Public School Holidays Under NYC Mayoral Winner

Public schools in New York, the biggest city in the U.S., might institute days off on certain Muslim holy days, since both mayoral candidates vying for office say they support such a move.

Bill de Blasio, the Democratic candidate, and Joe Lhota, the Republican, have said Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha should be added to the holiday calendar along with other major religious observations, including Christmas, Good Friday, and Rosh Hashanah, the New York Daily News reports.

What ever happened to the Liberals beloved Separation of Church and State?

Oh, that's right .... that only applies to Christians!
One sacred song for every five secular songs? Wisconsin school district cracks down on Christmas music

The Wausau, Wis. School District says it’s okay to jingle bells and don gay apparel but lay off the Baby Jesus stuff – and that has parents and students ready to deck somebody’s halls.

The community became enraged after the elementary schools canceled their upcoming Christmas concerts and the school district issued guidelines that curtailed the number of sacred holiday songs the high school choir could perform.

If congress is to make no law regarding an establishment of religion and it makes a law (leading to the notion that) that religious songs cannot be included in a choir performance has it not made a law regarding an establishment of religion? Isn't "banning" religious songs really establishing secularism as the only acceptable religious view?

The article said that songs must be approved by the school before they can be included. Presumably if they must now be approved then previously they were not approved. And if they were not approved then they must have been chosen by the students meaning that their earlier inclusion did not represent an endorsement of religion by the school and in fact represented the choice of students in exercising their free speech rights.

So what we have now is congress making laws about religion so that it can uphold its duty to not make laws about religion and violating the free speech rights of students in order to do so. Right?
High School Principal Cancels Pledge of Allegiance Citing Gov’t Shutdown — and Now He Could Be in Big Trouble

A Nebraska high school principal may face disciplinary action after he cited the government shutdown as the reason for canceling the daily pledge of allegiance one day last week.

District superintendent Troy Unzicker told TheBlaze his office is investigating the incident and considering taking disciplinary action against Alliance High School principal Patrick Jones for his actions last Monday.

an example of the slow creep of anti-patriotism comin from liberals who would never admit to being anti-patriotic.
It's not just coming from liberals .... it also comes from the non-believers and the deniers of the reality that this Country is facing!

You are right. As in intersting aside I have noted some patterns or bundles when it comes to the viewpoints people hold. Christians are more likely to be also conservatives while gays are more likely to also be progressives. I suppose these bundles would probably include five or six characteristics that would describe the libs one one side and the conservatives on the other side. this is why I am coming to the conclusion that opposing any of the characteristics of a negative bundle is of benefit and supporting any benefit of a positive bundle is of benefit. Perhaps the left has figured this out long ago which is precisly why they so often oppose chrsitianity. it would be unfortunate to draw lines like this rather than to simply duscuss the issues but it seems to be the polarizing way of the world.

I was parked behind a car the other day that had a variety of stickers on its rear. one said "not republican" the other was a rainbow that said something like "gltb for obama". I wanted this person to know that there are consequences all of us pay for because of his agenda so I left a note on the windshield that said "my insurance costs went up and you are partially to blame"

I doubt it will shame this person at all bu I trried.
You are right. As in intersting aside I have noted some patterns or bundles when it comes to the viewpoints people hold. Christians are more likely to be also conservatives while gays are more likely to also be progressives. I suppose these bundles would probably include five or six characteristics that would describe the libs one one side and the conservatives on the other side. this is why I am coming to the conclusion that opposing any of the characteristics of a negative bundle is of benefit and supporting any benefit of a positive bundle is of benefit. Perhaps the left has figured this out long ago which is precisly why they so often oppose chrsitianity. it would be unfortunate to draw lines like this rather than to simply duscuss the issues but it seems to be the polarizing way of the world.

I was parked behind a car the other day that had a variety of stickers on its rear. one said "not republican" the other was a rainbow that said something like "gltb for obama". I wanted this person to know that there are consequences all of us pay for because of his agenda so I left a note on the windshield that said "my insurance costs went up and you are partially to blame"

I doubt it will shame this person at all bu I trried.
It will not shame this person. If they had the IQ to understand what you were saying they would not be supporting BO to begin with .... regardless of their sexual orientation.

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