Praying Grandma is found guilty by a tainted DC Jury and given the largest fine in US history for a misdemeanor by an anti-Christian Muslim judge

Biden's solution to world terrorism is to throw more American tax dollars at the terrorists in stupid hopes the terrorists will finally give up their religious-driven hatred and mass murder. Democrats are stupid.
Religious driven hatred indeed? You and your messiah are the masters of projection.
During the Trump administration, the US gave more foreign aid to Israel (pop maybe 8.5 million than it did to any other nation, including some that have had horrible disasters and famines.
Biden's solution to world terrorism is to throw more American tax dollars at the terrorists in stupid hopes the terrorists will finally give up their religious-driven hatred and mass murder. Democrats are stupid.
What do you think Trump would do about Iran and its nuclear hopes?
Trump would have never financed their genocidal ambitions and building of WMDs like democrats did with US taxpayer dollars.
How could you possibly know what he would have done when faced with the same scenario of years ago.
Maybe that's another feeble excuse to hate democrats
The evidence seems pretty strong that Iran is not really all that enthusiastic about developing nuclear weapons. They have been supposedly only months, weeks or even days from developing nukes and they still do not have one. North Korea, Pakistan and India were all rather speedy in developing their nukes. Iran has the materials and the scientists, but it seems to me that they lack the gumption.
Why didn't Republicans charge him withbtras9n, ly8ng moooron d7h
Who knows why nobody charged leading democrats for committing serious crimes. Maybe they were like Comey, they did not want the democrat 'wet work' crew rubbing them out. 3-21-24

James Carville: Biden Doesn't Need To Do The "Wetwork" In 2024, "People Like Me" Can Do That For Him
Who knows why nobody charged leading democrats for committing serious crimes. Maybe they were like Comey, they did not want the democrat 'wet work' crew rubbing them out. 3-21-24

James Carville: Biden Doesn't Need To Do The "Wetwork" In 2024, "People Like Me" Can Do That For Him
Intelligent people would conclude that Biden didn't commit treason
But being a partisan mooron you are too stupid to figure that out
The phrase who knows no doubt applies to you a lot
Intelligent people would conclude that Biden didn't commit treason
But being a partisan mooron you are too stupid to figure that out
The phrase who knows no doubt applies to you a lot
Given the fact of leftist propaganda and lies it is no wonder gullible democrats don't believe Biden and Obama funded worldwide terror and genocide with US tax dollars.
Given the fact of leftist propaganda and lies it is no wonder gullible democrats don't believe Biden and Obama funded worldwide terror and genocide with US tax dollars.

I am sure people have written psychological papers on people who feel the need to use so many terms like those but for me I always try to insult, if any, without being insulting. It take intelligence and skills to do that. But if you are weak in the areas of fact, logic, intelligence, etc you feel the only way to insult, if any, or say attack your opponents, would be to be vulgar and insulting. It fits you to the tee.

I am sure people have written psychological papers on people who feel the need to use so many terms like those but for me I always try to insult, if any, without being insulting. It take intelligence and skills to do that. But if you are weak in the areas of fact, logic, intelligence, etc you feel the only way to insult, if any, or say attack your opponents, would be to be vulgar and insulting. It fits you to the tee.