Praying Grandma is found guilty by a tainted DC Jury and given the largest fine in US history for a misdemeanor by an anti-Christian Muslim judge

Mark is a phony when it comes to "Christian values". He is a typical White Fundie bigot who hates Blacks and gays and anyone who accepts that evolution is the most accurate explanation for the existence of the Universe.
Fair enough. But pence, another self proclaimed Christian has decided to go a different way. But to claim that means he supports abortion is just outlandish. Abortion is not the single issue here. You have decided to support Trump. Say for multitude of reasons pence decided to support Harris. Now perhaps he is wrong. But to claim he would support abortion, sex perversion and Marxism is just outlandish and illogical, not to mention unchristian like. Where are your Christian manners.
I don't agree that Pence can honestly claim he supports leading democrats while not supporting the evils they promote and protect, such as abortion and sexual perversion.
BTW speaking omf conservative Christian values I would like to remind you again that those who used to lynch blacks universally believed to have conservative Christian values. lol
Claiming to please God while hating blacks proves the one making the claim is a liar.

1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Mark is a phony when it comes to "Christian values". He is a typical White Fundie bigot who hates Blacks and gays and anyone who accepts that evolution is the most accurate explanation for the existence of the Universe.
You should stop hatefully and dishonestly falsely accusing me of hating blacks.

2 Timothy 3

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
what law did the old woman break lug nut
if authorities tell you not to enter and you do, you are breaking the law. if others violently break windows and enter a building and you calmy follow them, you are aiding and abetting and are guilty of a serious crime. you are an accomplice.

how is that not clear to any reasonable person?
Mark is a phony when it comes to "Christian values". He is a typical White Fundie bigot who hates Blacks and gays and anyone who accepts that evolution is the most accurate explanation for the existence of the Universe.
And your a liberal who seeks to rule and supports anti American values and have openly said socialism is good and hope Harris is one. Russia is a socialist nation and China according to your fellow lug nuts
I don't agree that Pence can honestly claim he supports leading democrats while not supporting the evils they promote and protect, such as abortion and sexual perversion.
you are wrong. at most you can claim pence is an idiot or is grossly wrong. but you cannot claim he is dishonest. for god sake you claimed pence is supporting sexual deviance. that is just outrageous and unchristian like.

Claiming to please God while hating blacks proves the one making the claim is a liar.
perhaps. but it remain that these vicious murderous criminals who self identified as Christian were also conservative and rightwing. you have boxed yourself logically and do not know how to extricate yourself. but instead of just stop responding, you keep repeating your blather and evade answering.

were they conservative or liberal? ask yourself why is it that you cannot answer this simple question. let me help you with that: you are a dishonest debater.
And your a liberal who seeks to rule and supports anti American values and have openly said socialism is good and hope Harris is one. Russia is a socialist nation and China according to your fellow lug nuts
are france, canada, germany, denmark, sweden, england, switzerland, norway, italy socialist? another dishonest debater!
if authorities tell you not to enter and you do, you are breaking the law. if others violently break windows and enter a building and you calmy follow them, you are aiding and abetting and are guilty of a serious crime. you are an accomplice.

how is that not clear to any reasonable person?
Look bub I have put plenty od people in jail and trespassed 100s . Just as I have written thousand s of tickets. Idid give breaks such as not trespassing a black family who was homeless with 3 kids who would go to a laundry with 3 kids to watch tv and use the wifi to make calls.
Yep they were breaking the law .

Joe Biden broke the law and got away with it but your not complaining about that why not?

Trespassing 1st offense is a minor crime most often you get a fine and spend a few hours in jail .
Lets be real the court system has really put it to anyone on Jan 6 that was there and guilty of the least little minor offense.

And I think Pelosi set them up and hope it would go the way it did.
Look bub I have put plenty od people in jail and trespassed 100s . Just as I have written thousand s of tickets. Idid give breaks such as not trespassing a black family who was homeless with 3 kids who would go to a laundry with 3 kids to watch tv and use the wifi to make calls.
Yep they were breaking the law .

Joe Biden broke the law and got away with it but your not complaining about that why not?

Trespassing 1st offense is a minor crime most often you get a fine and spend a few hours in jail .
Lets be real the court system has really put it to anyone on Jan 6 that was there and guilty of the least little minor offense.

And I think Pelosi set them up and hope it would go the way it did.
it is delusional to compare a homeless family with 3 children entering a laundry room to use wifi with January six rioters. but good luck with that.

btw: do you really know what "trespass" means or was the above the result of a russian chatGPT crappy software?
it is delusional to compare a homeless family with 3 children entering a laundry room to use wifi with January six rioters. but good luck with that.

btw: do you really know what "trespass" means or was the above the result of a russian chatGPT crappy software?
Nope its not when your talking about a elderly woman .Just because I could is no reason to . Have you no heart
Nope its not when your talking about a elderly woman .Just because I could is no reason to . Have you no heart
fair enough. (i actually do not know the specifics of this case.) if you are an elderly woman who did not use force or violence and merely walked into the capitol, i would not put her in jail or even charge her.

but do you agree those who used violence and physical force and deadly weapons in order to enter the capitol deserve to be sent to prison?

(see how i respond to every one of your arguments? ? now please respond to the above question. thanks.)
fair enough. (i actually do not know the specifics of this case.) if you are an elderly woman who did not use force or violence and merely walked into the capitol, i would not put her in jail or even charge her.

but do you agree those who used violence and physical force and deadly weapons in order to enter the capitol deserve to be sent to prison?

(see how i respond to every one of your arguments? ? now please respond to the above question. thanks.)
Yes any one who used violence and physical force and deadly weapons in order to enter the capitol deserve to be sent to prison of course when you get physical you have to have a reason to bad they didn't go after the BLM rioters the same would you agree on that.
They not only used force attacked police stations killed several looted store burned a lot of building , Yet few got any serious charges or was the effort mad to go after them.