If a gay man trusts in Christ he is saved. A gay man who trusts in Christ would automatically struggle with his sin. If this gay man stumbles and continues in his illicit practices then his salvation is not in question. Just as an adulterous Christian's salvation is not in question. Internally the gay man who has trusted in Christ will be in conflict. This is a sign of his salvation. The rest is nothing to do with us. If we see John the gay Christian stumble and pick up Fred in a nightclub then we cannot know of the conflict within this Christians heart.Remember, jesus said we would be surprised at who we see in heaven.
So, I do not think that a "gay christian" is possible, rather I feel that a "christian who struggles with homosexual tendencies" is truly a Christian.
So, I do not think that a "gay christian" is possible, rather I feel that a "christian who struggles with homosexual tendencies" is truly a Christian.