In fact there were sixty different submissions and every judge said the same.
One judge only??? Fuck off. You know nothing.
If they all said the same thing, then they must have said you cannot bring a fraud case before me because you have no right nor jurisdiction to do so.
Of course he saw no evidence of fraud because there was none.
It is not his job to commentate or assume anything that's not before him. You're beaten so get over it.
He saw no evidence of fraud because he did not look closely enough or did not want to see the clear evidence of fraud. Nevertheless, he could not say he saw evidence that proved no fraud occurred.
Democrats like republicans have every right to obey the law and not let ratbags like you inspect anything because you're not happy with the result.
It speaks exact honesty about obeying the law unlike Trump and his idiot minions who persisted with the lie and are going to jail.
Democrats claim they have some sort of right to protect crooked voting machines connected to George Soros through a myriad of dirty corporate connections, and they do prevent 'unauthorized' Americans from examining their corrupt machines, especially immediately after elections before they can erase evidence of fraud from the memories.
Even Rudy and others are meeting with the DOJ to cut deals and blow the whistle on others because the thought of jail looms heavy.
Flynn was coerced to plead guilty to false charges but later admitted he lied under coercion and is now suing the dirty officials involved in the crooked deal.
Trump has a habit of dumping in people who won't purger themselves to show loyalty to a fucking idiot phsycopath.
Look where it got michael Cohen and stone. Both in jail. Trump really cared about then. Now they are staying away from the big orange idiot.
Stone was unjustly arrested in the middle of the night by a swarm of heavily armed Democrat shock troops in front of pre-planned arrays of well-lit Democrat CNN cameras. Stone did not commit a crime but he would not keep silent about Democrat corruption, so he had to be taken down by Democrat mobsters. At least he was not murdered like Seth Rich and so many others have been in the past,
The party is over for Trump and he will go to jail. He will not cut a deal with the DOJ over the most serious crime against the constitution to stay out of jail.
The Democrats will take down Trump just like Jezebel took down Naboth.
It must be comforting for you to know you assisted in the violation of America's most sacred document but let's not stop there. You are openly prosecuting the case he is not guilty and supporting him for another tilt at the presidency so he can fuck the country again.
Is there something wrong with your fucking godbotherers ?
No country on earth would consider revisiting that disaster again.
Democrats trampled all over the Constitution by spying on Trump, inventing fake Russian collusion stories to slander him, dismissing his due process civil and human rights twice by impeaching him on false political charges and more.