Well-Known Member
Boo hoo they had fun laughing at a pic of Bush Photoshped..And do you think one of them would have said it was worth the damage and lives lost, so they could make fun of his horrible job dealing with it? But glad to see you did not see it was funny, to bad I am pretty sure had Obama been in office you would have.
And as for Kerry and them...You know people who served...I don't see you saying anything about them enjoying watching out troops die as you suggested...And you know what, our troops did do bad things in Iraq...and even did some that where not punished....I know you would like to pretend we went threw all nice and polite and nothing bad ever happened at that hands of our fits your pretty world view of black and white. But if you want to keep thinking the left wants our troops to die, then you need a serious head adjustment. It would make it pretty clear you are worthless to debate, because if thats the type of thinking you go in with, then your never going to listen to anyone on the left and its a waste of time.
and as for I recall, many republicans came out and said it , that they want his plans to fail...thus they want the economy to fail...thus they wanted fail....You show me a liberal ( not a Damn Anarchist) saying they want Iraq to fail, or Wanted the Econ to destroy itself under Bush, or wants out Troops to die...then you can have a case. And if you take issue with what bunz said, tell him, I did not see what ever your talking about, but I do see you saying it. So if you want to sling those statements around, then trust me, I can very easily get banned. On my old board, where I was a mod, someone said something like that...I had to post 3 times becuse I filled the pages telling them exacly what I thought of them. Becuse you know what the left is just as American as all the right wings hacks on the radio and Fox news who like to act like they are not.
Making jokes about obama at the expense of thousands of others? Sorry but it would not be funny, you may see a way for it to be funny but I dont.
I dont think people on the left liked watching our troops die but I think they were more interested in how they could use those deaths politically to hurt President Bush and his administration. The worse the war got, the worse everything got, the happier the left got.
I see it a little on the other side now, but not to the extreme it was before. The right still wants to win the war if its possible, even if its obama who is leading it... not something we saw under President Bush.
If and when our troops do something wrong it should be dealt with, but making up crap like obama did with his carpet bombing statement, and the lies and crap that came out of vietnam boy and mertha were lies to undermind the war effort, our troops and hurt President Bush in what ever way possible.
John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) flat lied about our troops and never apologized. Worse than him was Jack Mertha who lied about our troops and never apologized even when a court found our troops not guilty, that jack ass would constantly undermind the war efforts. He couldnt wait to get out there to say the war was lost and the surge has failed before it was even given a chance. He was wrong of course. Now that his guy is in office no matter how many die he has nothing to say. Last month would have been a good time for him to open his big fat trap and say either send more in or get them out. Do something!!
If you really want to think not wanting this particular nightmare of a health care bill equals wanting our country to fail then think away. Its actually comical.
If you are not on board for programs that will destroy the country then you dont love our country and you want our country to fail.
Congradulations!!!! That is about as 1984 as you can get.