Well-Known Member
the poll may as well say do conservatives have to like asparagus to be a real conservative...
That's basically what it says.

the poll may as well say do conservatives have to like asparagus to be a real conservative...
no conservatives siding with science on that one.
"I see no conflict between Evolution and Intelligent Design."
That's a rather bizarre assessment, considering that ID rejects evolution. No conflict? The issue is nothing, if not in conflict.
But certain religions reject evolution. And most people who reject evolution, turn out to subscribe to one of those religions, and frequently use the teachings of their religion as justification for the rejection.
Hence my question.
These polls by THC do prove something. Of course, they prove the exact opposite of what was intended...funny how everything libs do results in unintended CONSEQUENCES...(please see my wonderful thread on CONSEQUENCES).
IMO these silly threads prove libs will believe anything that fits their ideology. Does not evolution promoted by the commie Darwin not fit the lib template? Does not AGW promoted by the marxist left not fit the lib template? Of course they do.
These little polls also prove another very telling thing. Libs live in a fantasy land were theories are facts and those who dispute the theories are to be viciously attacked and marginalized. Libs believe whatever their leaders tell them to believe.
Conservatives live in reality. We evaluate the situation and dispute findings which are unproven. We want to debate the issues, but libs want no debate...remember Fat Albert proclaiming the debate is over on AGW???
Correction... Theoretical science and in the case of AGW, an hypothesis.SDC who attempt to argue against established science
Correction... Theoretical science and in the case of AGW, an hypothesis.
The word "established" suggests the science has been proven true... in these cases it has not.
Of course if you're using the word "established" as in, "lot's of people believe it so it must be true", then you should probably refer to it as "consensus" science.