You said we can't afford any more BP oil "disasters", the moratorium on offshore drilling imposed as a result of that incident has reduced our domestic oil sources... Increasing our dependence on foreign oil.
But you don't care, right? So what is your point?
Don't care...
Let the free market work and that is exactly what will happen. Trying to force it to happen through the power of the government is creating more problems than it solves.
Exactly how does this work? Much of the capital in the private market is in the hands of the oil companies, and they are only interested in the status quo, rather like you are, I might add. And how is it creating more problems than it solves? GM is ramping up to produce the Volt. Other car makers have similar vehicles in the works. The electric car is coming, Gen. Is this a problem for you? Just curious, since you appear to be saying that it is a problem.
I agree with some of what conservatives believe, libertarians too, but I am first and foremost a Capitalist.
Of course you are. I am top, but I also realize that government by itself is not a solution, and neither does the free market have all the solutions. Which is why I believe that the only real solutions will take a partnership between government and industry. It worked during Apollo and other huge projects, such as our interstate system. Why not for alternative energy, which, by the way, IS a National Security issue, if nothing else.
From our point of view it is you, the lovers of big government, who waste valuable resources in the name of the greater good.
Ad hominem. How is the greater good ever a waste of resources? Would you prefer to live under anarchy?
Individuals working in the private sector and within the free market are far more productive and efficient than any government bureaucracy could ever be.
Yeah, just look at Chrysler.
It is... You should read my blog post about carbon credits. I conserve, reuse, and recycle wherever and whenever it's in my economic self interest to do so. For example, I changed all the lightbulbs in my house over to CFL's because doing so saved me 30% on my electric bills, not because I was diluted enough to think my actions would help to "save" the planet.