Muslim Congress: America “Is Not Going to Be the Country of White People”

You don't know how may dead people, how many illegals, or how many double voters voted, do you? So stop saying you know the election was not stolen.
The burden of proof is on you. The results of the election have been already investigated according to the law.
You have to PROVE it was stolen, and you have not, and you can not.
The burden of proof is on you. The results of the election have been already investigated according to the law.
You have to PROVE it was stolen, and you have not, and you can not.
I don't have to prove that nobody knows how many dead people voted, how many illegals voted, and how many other illegitimate ballots were submitted. That is a fact, and that fact makes it impossible to say without fear of contradiction that Biden won fairly in 2020.
I don't have to prove that nobody knows how many dead people voted, how many illegals voted, and how many other illegitimate ballots were submitted. That is a fact, and that fact makes it impossible to say without fear of contradiction that Biden won fairly in 2020.
Nothing is a fact because you believe it, and yes, you DO have to prove it.
I don't have to prove that nobody knows how many dead people voted, how many illegals voted, and how many other illegitimate ballots were submitted. That is a fact, and that fact makes it impossible to say without fear of contradiction that Biden won fairly in 2020.
Just like you can't prove Trump won in 2016 using the same thought process
Or anyone won any election ever
Whphich is why only anti-American morons would go down the path you have chosen lol
Nothing is a fact because you believe it, and yes, you DO have to prove it.
It has been proven beyond doubt. Democrats have no idea how many fraudulent votes were cast in 2020. They assume that Biden won fairly but they are a long way from proving that claim.
Just like you can't prove Trump won in 2016 using the same thought process
Or anyone won any election ever
Whphich is why only anti-American morons would go down the path you have chosen lol
If stonewalling officials would allow investigators to go over their bloated registries to identify ineligible voters and then compare the names of ineligible voters with lists of voters who voted, we would not have to remain in the dark about those numbers like rubes think we must remain.
If stonewalling officials would allow investigators to go over their bloated registries to identify ineligible voters and then compare the names of ineligible voters with lists of voters who voted, we would not have to remain in the dark about those numbers like rubes think we must remain.
You can't prove Trump won in 2016
Or any other election
Which is why intelligent bpeople laugh at morons whining without proof about claimed fraud
I don't have to
Burden of proof is on you morons
Until then you are just an anti american whiner
Democrats block voting securities, investigations into fraud, and election observers, and then claim they do not have to prove their innocence until election observers and investigators prove their guilt.
Democrats block voting securities, investigations into fraud, and election observers, and then claim they do not have to prove their innocence until election observers and investigators prove their guilt.
They don't have to prove anything, they are right
You morons do, and havent
They don't have to prove anything, they are right
You morons do, and havent
There is no motivation whatsoever for Democrats to support investigations into bloated voting registries to determine how many illegitimate voters may have cast ballots for Biden, including dead voters whose names Democrats insist remain on voting registries.
There is no motivation whatsoever for Democrats to support investigations into bloated voting registries to determine how many illegitimate voters may have cast ballots for Biden, including dead voters whose names Democrats insist remain on voting registries.
There is no motivation to pander to anti-American morons, I agree

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