The American Left & Right were once quite intertwined, if not aligned.
We ALL were motivated during WWII to save Democracy from the Nazis and Japs. So, we focused on the things that mattered.
That focus remained even in the post war period for some time.
This short animated film depicted a stereotypical 1948 "debate" between some Left vs some Right leaning citizens until Dr. Utopia came along to tempt the Left Wingers.
The producers hoped to warn the citizens of the problems they'd encounter if they bought into the empty promises of Communism, Marxism or Socialism as peddled by the smooth talking 'snake oil salesman.'
The film's producers were Right in trying to warn America of the evil temptation of the "Isms," but this fine effort seems to have been a case of "too little and/or too late" to keep Democrats from becoming excited by
Dr. Utopia instead of being wary of his false promises.
Unfortunately, our Left Wingers wouldn't be denied.
So, they secretly, though not too secretly as to be imperceptible, embraced the "Isms" until the Communists created a set of
45 Goals For America which they set an impossibly optimistic agenda of progress for their enslavement of our freedom loving people.
In 1963 a copy of these goals was entered into the U S. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for reference and to act as a benchmark to help measure the progress of Communism.
In 1963, none or maybe only one of the goals had been accomplished.
Today, they've all been accomplished.
This is the main problem plaguing America today.
Generations which have grown up hating our system and believing that the Isms are better.
"Make Mine Freedom" (9:27) (1948)