Kamala: Saving babies from abortion is immoral

Mothers do not actually murder babies. But they do have the right to not give birth to babies they do not want.
Fetuses are not the property of the government or idiots like you.
Actually DOCTORS generally inject the fetus when it is quite small with something that puts it to sleep.
The pregnant woman gives the doctor permission to do this.

You want to FORCE women to give birth to babies they do not want, and perhaps cannot support. It is really none of your business.
Actually DOCTORS generally inject the fetus when it is quite small with something that puts it to sleep.
The pregnant woman gives the doctor permission to do this.

You want to FORCE women to give birth to babies they do not want, and perhaps cannot support. It is really none of your business.
Pointing to first trimester abortions to avoid the heartbreaking executions of third trimester babies is dishonest. I don't believe in forcing women to take care they don't get pregnant if they do not want children but I am in favor of preventing hateful mothers from murdering their unborn babies because they don't want the baby they created by sex.
Calling executions of babies by different names does not detract from the fact that the babies' beating hearts are stopped or heads are severed by force by abortionists.
Yet you call terminating pregnancies by all sorta different names. But then again you would say anything.
Pointing to first trimester abortions to avoid the heartbreaking executions of third trimester babies is dishonest. I don't believe in forcing women to take care they don't get pregnant if they do not want children but I am in favor of preventing hateful mothers from murdering their unborn babies because they don't want the baby they created by sex.
Yet you point to third trimester abortions to avoid the horrors of banning first trimester abortions.

You would say ANYTHING!
Calling executions of babies by different names does not detract from the fact that the babies' beating hearts are stopped or heads are severed by force by abortionists.
Calling it murder doesn't change the fact it isn't murder
God aborts unborn babies all the time
Why does he?
Pointing to first trimester abortions to avoid the heartbreaking executions of third trimester babies is dishonest. I don't believe in forcing women to take care they don't get pregnant if they do not want children but I am in favor of preventing hateful mothers from murdering their unborn babies because they don't want the baby they created by sex.
The thing is, sex among humans is unpredictable. When Mr Frog nuts off 300 eggs lad by Mrs Frog, there will always be tadpoles.
But human sex feels good and mostly people have sex because it does feel good. And the odds are against a pregnancy.

The problems humans have are due to poor design on the part of (they say), God. If every sex act resulted in a pregnancy, then perhaps we could foist more blame on the people involved.

Trump is known for refusing to wear a condom, and bullying the women he has lusted after.

The fact is that many women are faced with having children they cannot afford to feed. And perhaps watching them get sick and die because she could not pay for food or medical care.

All Kamala says is that the decision to give birth should be left up to the pregnant woman.