Kamala: I will lower drug costs by snatching patents from drug companies once I am in charge and I will set drug prices where I think they should be.

I was propositioned several different times by homosexuals in my childhood which may explain to the ungodly why it looks like I despise them.
You despise millions of people because of a couple of people talking to you?
Or you just act like it because you are hateful?
What a weird response to my post lol which was in response to a weird obsession with adult consenting sex
Completely nothing to do with it
God you are stupid and creepy
Will teenage daughters be pleased that their mom or dad is having consensual adulterous sex in a cloded bedroom? Does adultery have no victims?
You despise millions of people because of a couple of people talking to you?
Or you just act like it because you are hateful?
I don't despise sinners in general but I do despise sin and those who keep promoting sin even though they know God disapproves.
Right wing blather

If you take guns away from legal gun owners, then the only people who would have guns would be the bad guys. Even a pacifist would get violent if someone were trying to kill him or her. You would fight for your life, whatever your beliefs. Bruce Willis
My question is whether you enjoy looking stupid or are being paid to look like a moooron
One man with a gun can control 100 without one. Vladimir Lenin

I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it. Clint Eastwood
Will teenage daughters be pleased that their mom or dad is having consensual adulterous sex in a cloded bedroom? Does adultery have no victims?

again, what a weird and creepy response. I was just laughing at an earlier post by tat which obsesses about sex long ago by consenting adults, having nothing to do with today's politics.

do you have some weird fantasy about teenage daughters and parents having adulterous sex or something? lol.

you really need help. serious help.
One man with a gun can control 100 without one. Vladimir Lenin

I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it. Clint Eastwood
lol. another weird post by you.

walz was right. you guys truly are weird.
again, what a weird and creepy response. I was just laughing at an earlier post by tat which obsesses about sex long ago by consenting adults, having nothing to do with today's politics.

do you have some weird fantasy about teenage daughters and parents having adulterous sex or something? lol.

you really need help. serious help.
In some states Biden could have been locked up for showering with his young naked daughter. The daughter remains ill-affected to this day by that traumatic abuse.
In some states Biden could have been locked up for showering with his young naked daughter. The daughter remains ill-affected to this day by that traumatic abuse.
again, what a weird and creepy response to my post which had nothing to do with that.
seek help. seriously.

I was propositioned several different times by homosexuals in my childhood which may explain to the ungodly why it looks like I despise them.
Yes clearly some childhood events screw up individuals for life. They grow up being serial haters or even serial killers.