- I am not sure if that is the entire picture. What about savings to Americans as a result of undocumented workers reducing price of goods and services by performing difficult jobs with lower wages?
- how much does a child born into poor families cost the us, less or more than $8776? Or more or less the same? With that logic then we should discourage the poor from having children.
- do American citizens who work in the underground economy pay more in taxes?
- is this refundable tax credit exclusive to undocumented workers or available to all?
I do not understand this obsessions with undocumented workers. But I give you credit for not claiming in this post that they are rapists and murderers.
Here is something that seems no party is willing to do: go after those who hire undocumented workers.if you dry up job opportunity, logic says the flow of undocumented workers might reduce drastically.
It’s about the vote! Plain and simple! Does it even matter anymore? After watching DNC last night, it’s puzzling how just a month ago they treated Biden like crap! But that’s politics.
At this point, I don’t care who comes over. It will not affect my family in the positions they are in. It will affect the lazy Americans that can care less. One thing about the people that come here the right way, they work their asses off for low wages. As stated by some in our government, “they need people to pick their crops”! New forms of slavery! Biden stated diversity last night! Proved the very reasoning of his administration! Keeping racial divide alive! Harris will probably get in! The real Harris we will see and let’s see who bitches!
Trump is not perfect and not politically correct but a VP ties to China and a president lying to Americans with her flipping, so be it! The hypocrisy is sickening.
My opinion, they want Trump gone. It will happen no doubt eventually! They may want to use a bullet or the votes,
otherwise he will make many politicians lives miserable after the election! He knows them all.
It’s all disgusting especially watching all of the DNC last night. Yes all! An abortion bus with free hotdogs! Really? No matter how one believes in abortion, that was just wrong! My opinion of course!
I’m only watching Harris’ rally in Wisconsin as they show it at convention. Cannot stomach Obama! He has changed since he got my vote!
I don’t care if one u is a a woman, black, white, Indian, etc… I have to vote for all of US! Many may agree or disagree as I may disagree as well. I vote! That’s all I can do! Do I make sense? Who does?
Thanks for being civil! Others not do much. They bring out the toxins!