Kamala has never changed her hateful hard left support for abortion, she just pretends she has for now in order to get elected

Trump was apparently never a democrat racist like Joe Biden and Robert Byrd, or Hillary Clinto who graduated from a racist privileged white girls school that imposed restrictions on the few token black girl students there.
Well I have posted before about Biden with the busing and when he stated he did not want his kids going to school in a “jungle”. And in congress “them people”! Those were Americans he was speaking of. Is Trump perfect? Nope! Who is? Trump just does not want people coming here illegally and hurting people and not fair to the people that have come the legal way! It’s a process.
Trump was apparently never a democrat racist like Joe Biden and Robert Byrd, or Hillary Clinto who graduated from a racist privileged white girls school that imposed restrictions on the few token black girl students there.
People are always going to use racism as an issue of why they don’t have this or that!
I think you should have the prerogative to call it that. But you should not be able to impose it on other women.
All sides state their beliefs of abortion! It will always be involved in elections because no decision will make all happy! Plain and simple!
Ms. Bush in congress say her abortion was the worst decision and day of her life! Why is it so bad of a day for her? If it’s just a pea? Her choice!
All sides state their beliefs of abortion! It will always be involved in elections because no decision will make all happy! Plain and simple!
Ms. Bush in congress say her abortion was the worst decision and day of her life! Why is it so bad of a day for her? If it’s just a pea? Her choice!
Eggzactly. “Her choice”!

A says this is her baby.
B says she terminated her pregnancy.
B respects As designation.
A says B murdered her baby.

There is no symmetry here. The “all sides” argument does not hold here.
Well I have posted before about Biden with the busing and when he stated he did not want his kids going to school in a “jungle”. And in congress “them people”! Those were Americans he was speaking of. Is Trump perfect? Nope! Who is? Trump just does not want people coming here illegally and hurting people and not fair to the people that have come the legal way! It’s a process.
He was dragged through court in the 70s for not allowing blacks to rent his properties but no racism there.