Just as I predicted Demetia Joe failed again for billions to see,

One lie lol Joe told a lot more then I lol.talk about out of touch not only did Joe lie he mumbled and froze up so much it was hard to tell what the hell he was saying
that was a figure of speech, kinda. make it 10. still not the same at all.

the other poster mentioned one mistake: that no soldier died during his (biden) term. can you mention a few more?

but it goes beyond that. consider these:

1. i am confident biden will not repeat the mistake and may even admit it was a mistake.
2. no one, NO ONE, among democrats supported the mistake. many admit it was a mistake.

Contrast this with trump:

1. trump has lied 10s of 1000s times.
2. he repeats his lies. he thinks if he repeats a lie, it becomes less of a lie. he is a psychopath.
3. his supporters support his lies.
4. he has rarely if ever admitted to a lie or even a mistake.

there is absolutely no comparison.
that was a figure of speech, kinda. make it 10. still not the same at all.

the other poster mentioned one mistake: that no soldier died during his (biden) term. can you mention a few more?

but it goes beyond that. consider these:

1. i am confident biden will not repeat the mistake and may even admit it was a mistake.
2. no one, NO ONE, among democrats supported the mistake. many admit it was a mistake.

Contrast this with trump:

1. trump has lied 10s of 1000s times.
2. he repeats his lies. he thinks if he repeats a lie, it becomes less of a lie. he is a psychopath.
3. his supporters support his lies.
4. he has rarely if ever admitted to a lie or even a mistake.

there is absolutely no comparison.
low info voter who believes everything he hears from gutter media.
that was a figure of speech, kinda. make it 10. still not the same at all.

the other poster mentioned one mistake: that no soldier died during his (biden) term. can you mention a few more?

but it goes beyond that. consider these:

1. i am confident biden will not repeat the mistake and may even admit it was a mistake.
2. no one, NO ONE, among democrats supported the mistake. many admit it was a mistake.

Contrast this with trump:

1. trump has lied 10s of 1000s times.
2. he repeats his lies. he thinks if he repeats a lie, it becomes less of a lie. he is a psychopath.
3. his supporters support his lies.
4. he has rarely if ever admitted to a lie or even a mistake.

there is absolutely no comparison.
Dream on the public said different
I knew you could not refute my argument. Have a nice 4th.
Lol Biden has lied for 48 years time and time again.
Your just in denial

Joe's mind is gone
Your in denial
His supporters believe his lies
Joe Biden isn't admitting he lied hell he would know his mind is so gone

Biden is way behind and was close to even.
He will cost Democrats the presidency and the house of he runs.
Stop being unrealistic Biden is done and only idiots want him running the nation.After he has been exposed as a mental midget
Brandon's performance last week obliterates the narrative the Dems and their lapdog media have been peddling: that he's as sharp as ever. They can't do that any more, & they're not even trying to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.

If what I'm hearing from the MSM is accurate - by no means a guarantee - if Brandon steps aside or is sacrificed at the altar of the 25th, Kamalatoe is the only candidate who can access any of the Biden/Harris campaign cash, even if she gets nuked at the convention. So it may just come down to money, and the Dems can't afford to change horses this late in the game.

Trump's best chance is Brandon staying put. 72% of Americans now believe Brandon is too old. To a lesser extent, Trump is tainted by the same stigma. Any Dem not pushing 80 gives them an automatic leg up that Brandon can never achieve.
So I ask you too, politely and respectfully. Please do not quote me if you are not willing to address my points. It is unhelpful. Thanks.
What points you said trump lies he sure has a habit of it but Joe's been lying for 48 years you do not seem to want to hear the truth
Like how Joe claims he was arrested in South Africa or during civil rights marches and all on the Senate floor .lol they are not lies but delusional statements he Thinks THAT REALLY HAPPENED .
What points you said trump lies he sure has a habit of it but Joe's been lying for 48 years you do not seem to want to hear the truth
Like how Joe claims he was arrested in South Africa or during civil rights marches and all on the Senate floor .lol they are not lies but delusional statements he Thinks THAT REALLY HAPPENED .
There were a few arguments in there that you did not respond to. Should I assume arguments that you ignore, either you cannot refute or agree with? I even numbered them for you convenience.

For example:

1. I said not a single high democratic politician has backed Biden mistake about no servicemen killed. Contrast that with Trump supporters.

2. Biden will not repeat the mistake and likely will admit to it. Trump will never admit mistakes and will repeat it again and again.
There were a few arguments in there that you did not respond to. Should I assume arguments that you ignore, either you cannot refute or agree with? I even numbered them for you convenience.

For example:

1. I said not a single high democratic politician has backed Biden mistake about no servicemen killed. Contrast that with Trump supporters.

2. Biden will not repeat the mistake and likely will admit to it. Trump will never admit mistakes and will repeat it again and again.
Lol and Biden has mental issues and you know it the world knows it.
Lol and Biden has mental issues and you know it the world knows it.
I ask you again respectfully: please do not quote me if you are gonna ignore my argument.

Here one more time: the difference is Trump will repeat the same blatant lie and republics politicians will support him in that.

Now please respond directly. And if you are incapable to respond, then just do not quote me.

I ask you again respectfully: please do not quote .e if you are gonna ignore my argument.

Here one more time: the difference is Trump will repeat the same blatant lie and republics politicians will support him in that.

Now please respond directly. And if you are incapable to respond, then just do not quote me.

The one with the serious mental issues is Trump. He is a narcissist who is only concerned with himself. He thinks he is some sort of god. He needs to be locked up and held incommunicado.
I ask you again respectfully: please do not quote me if you are gonna ignore my argument.

Here one more time: the difference is Trump will repeat the same blatant lie and republics politicians will support him in that.

Now please respond directly. And if you are incapable to respond, then just do not quote me.

I do not support Trump's lies and have said so. I supported Ron my governor. I know trump lies. but it seems Biden gets a pass for his lies and mental incompetence
I do not support Trump's lies and have said so. I supported Ron my governor. I know trump lies. but it seems Biden gets a pass for his lies and mental incompetence
so i say again: "the difference is Trump will repeat the same blatant lie and republics politicians will support him in that."

Now please respond directly. And if you are incapable of responding, then just do not quote me.

so i say again: "the difference is Trump will repeat the same blatant lie and republics politicians will support him in that."

Now please respond directly. And if you are incapable of responding, then just do not quote me.

And Joe has been doing the same thing in fact he recently claimed he knew how to tell the truth .odd considering he has lied that us for 48 years