Just as I predicted Demetia Joe failed again for billions to see,

There are absolutely NO signs of this. You aren't a doctor.
Trump is the one losing it,,, ranting about nonexistent boat batteries, sharks and "the late great Hannibal Lector."

Do you feel we need Trump to warn us about batteries in sinking electric boats, shark attacks and fictional cannibals?
And 40% inflation and how a 10% tariff would not cause a 10$ inflation in the prices of imported stuff? All Von Shitzhispants does is lie, lie, lie, and make up nonsense.
Democrats prove to the world that they lie and deceive by claiming Biden shows no signs of deteriorating mental cognizance.
I believe mainstream media Biden supporters know they are lying when they falsely claim Biden is as sharp as ever. At any rate, Trump shows a greater liklihood than Biden in closing the US border, reigning in out of control pork spending, scaling back overburdensome government regulation and control of our people and free market, and so forth.
- your claim that "mainstream Biden supporters" claim he is as sharp as ever is made up, i think. it is consistent with gaslighting. but i give you a chance to quote/cite them.

- pork spending: trump deficit was more than biden's.

- free market: tariffs. need i say more?
- your claim that "mainstream Biden supporters" claim he is as sharp as ever is made up, i think. it is consistent with gaslighting. but i give you a chance to quote/cite them.

“I was going to say, I don’t think you guys need me. I was just listening to the commentary,” she said laughing. “I don’t think you guys need me this morning, but it’s good to be on.”

Mediaite first highlighted the back-and-forth.

Scarborough said Biden’s record as president, which he is expected to promote during Thursday night’s State of the Union address, was going to be “a pretty easy sell” before Jean-Pierre was introduced.

Earlier during Thursday’s broadcast, Scarborough defended Biden from attacks by his political rivals about the president’s age and fitness for office.

“He’s better than he has ever been, intellectually, analytically,” Scarborough said. “F you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden … is the best Biden ever.”

“I was going to say, I don’t think you guys need me. I was just listening to the commentary,” she said laughing. “I don’t think you guys need me this morning, but it’s good to be on.”

Mediaite first highlighted the back-and-forth.

Scarborough said Biden’s record as president, which he is expected to promote during Thursday night’s State of the Union address, was going to be “a pretty easy sell” before Jean-Pierre was introduced.

Earlier during Thursday’s broadcast, Scarborough defended Biden from attacks by his political rivals about the president’s age and fitness for office.

“He’s better than he has ever been, intellectually, analytically,” Scarborough said. “F you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden … is the best Biden ever.”
is there no self respect? no self awareness? nothing you provided above proved your claim about "as sharp as ever".


You had me at 'conduct the largest deportation operation in history'.
I am for closing the border but not for attempting to deport millions of immigrants who entered the US illegally at the invitation of democrats. We need to close the border and then deal with the mess created by the disastrous open border policies of leftists by focusing on helping the peace-loving respectable immigrants assimilate into US society while dealing roughly with illegals who commit criminal acts.
I am for closing the border but not for attempting to deport millions of immigrants who entered the US illegally at the invitation of democrats. We need to close the border and then deal with the mess created by the disastrous open border policies of leftists by focusing on helping the peace-loving respectable immigrants assimilate into US society while dealing roughly with illegals who commit criminal acts.
Sorry. it's been done before and we need to do it again for the safety and security of the nation.
Sorry. it's been done before and we need to do it again for the safety and security of the nation.
Trump was right to want to drain the swamp but the swamp proved much larger and more formiddable than he must have originally been fully aware of. His own justice department, military leaders, and foreign diplomate]s were thick with leftist views incorporated into our government under Obama and others.
Trump was right to want to get Mexico to help pay for the wall but that plan was doomed from the start to turn out like it did.
Trump suggests deporting all immigrants who entered the US illegally but that plan is also doomed to fail just like the others I mentioned.
I am for closing the border but not for attempting to deport millions of immigrants who entered the US illegally at the invitation of democrats. We need to close the border and then deal with the mess [...] by the disastrous open border policies [...] by focusing on helping the peace-loving respectable immigrants assimilate into US society while dealing roughly with illegals who commit criminal acts.
it happened. we finally agree on something (with some editing].
I'll let you guys fight it out since the leftist camp is all over the map on this issue.
dont deflect. you made a claim which you could not substantiate. you treat this forum as your blog in which you are speaking to the converted. any scrutiny of your claims and you met and cower.
dont deflect. you made a claim which you could not substantiate. you treat this forum as your blog in which you are speaking to the converted. any scrutiny of your claims and you met and cower.
What good will it do for me to post endless examples of democrats praising Biden's alertness and also post endless examples of democrats claiming Biden should admit he is not up to the task and should step down?
What good will it do for me to post endless examples of democrats praising Biden's alertness and also post endless examples of democrats claiming Biden should admit he is not up to the task and should step down?
please stop this foolishness! the claim was not that dems praise biden. your claim was that they say biden is as sharp as ever. if you slipped, no big deal. just admit and lets move on. do you not have any self respect? you made a claim. can you substantiate it or will you admit you slipped?
please stop this foolishness! the claim was not that dems praise biden. your claim was that they say biden is as sharp as ever. if you slipped, no big deal. just admit and lets move on. do you not have any self respect? you made a claim. can you substantiate it or will you admit you slipped?
Let me offer this leftist quote from post #49 above:

“He’s better than he has ever been, intellectually, analytically,” Scarborough said. “F you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden … is the best Biden ever.”