Just as I predicted Demetia Joe failed again for billions to see,

Trump is a lying sack of shit. He has shown himself to be incompetent.
Lol o yes Joe displayed he's competency for the world to see. All around the world they
are reporting how bad he did.calls for him to be replaced as the demo canadate.
I talked about Joe's delusional mind and mental comptence posted examples and your so caught up in your hate for trump and love of radical liberisum your unable to see the truth. How sad for you
biden cannot appoint anyone. are you Russian or perhaps Libyan?
Biden can't appoint anyone, but the democratic party can, they will do this because even they do not want Harris. You are a retard, and assholes like you are the problem with America


If Biden steps aside before the DNC roll call

If Biden steps aside before the roll call, then his delegates will no longer be pledged to him, and it will be essentially "open season."

Any candidate who is eligible to be president could emerge, including candidates who did not run in the presidential primaries, and delegates could vote for them.

So when did you leave Russia Olga
Biden can't appoint anyone, but the democratic party can, they will do this because even they do not want Harris. You are a retard, and assholes like you are the problem with America
democratic party cannot appoint presidents either in US. this is not russia.
They do appointments for the Democrat party.Same as republicans.
i have no idea what you are talking about. i guess the democratic party appoints their own officers, like a treasurer. but what does that have to do with presidency?

btw, did you mean to say "repulic party"?
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democratic party cannot appoint presidents either in US. this is not Russia.
If Biden quits before being nominated the democratic party can appoint a new nominee, I posted a link are you too retarded to read?

Guess so

If Biden quits before being nominated the democratic party can appoint a new nominee, I posted a link are you too retarded to read?

Guess so
but this is what you said first: "They are going to get Biden to resign, and appoint that fag from Mexifornia which will force Kimballa to also resign forcing the Supreme court to weigh in"

"resign" from what? people in glass houses...
Lol o yes Joe displayed he's competency for the world to see. All around the world they
are reporting how bad he did.calls for him to be replaced as the demo canadate.
I talked about Joe's delusional mind and mental comptence posted examples and your so caught up in your hate for trump and love of radical liberisum your unable to see the truth. How sad for you
Lying and making up shit is NOT leadership.
Trump will protect you from unbelievable electric boat batteries and incredible shark attacks.
Pitiful, simplistic troll/
The shark and the electric boat were figments of Von Shitzhizpants, not Biden.
All Trump did at the debate was lie and make up shit. That is all he has ever done all his wretched life.