Just as I predicted Demetia Joe failed again for billions to see,

The shark and the electric boat were figments of Von Shitzhizpants, not Biden.
All Trump did at the debate was lie and make up shit. That is all he has ever done all his wretched life.
So Joe Biden did not lie or make up stuff lol
You know he lied and made up stuff. He's been making up and lying for decades.
Tell me why are so many Democrats. Suggesting he needs to bow out and let some one else run this year.
Yes they claim he had a cold and over prepared and just needs rest. Lol weasel
excuses .
Is that really the best that you have?
And he's claiming lying and making stuff up makes trump unfit. Yet he's seems the best blind that Joe Biden lies all the times and as for making things up imTrump has not claimed his uncle was ate by cannibals or that he was arrested on the senate floor Marching for civil rights and when he went to South Africa to see Mandela.
Old Gave can not see the forest because of the trees.
And he's claiming lying and making stuff up makes trump unfit. Yet he's seems the best blind that Joe Biden lies all the times and as for making things up imTrump has not claimed his uncle was ate by cannibals or that he was arrested on the senate floor Marching for civil rights and when he went to South Africa to see Mandela.
Old Gave can not see the forest because of the trees.
Actually Biden has never lied as president, because in order to lie one needs to be aware that what one is saying is not the truth and since Biden is senile and was ten years ago he is no longer capable of lying.

Just as I predicted Demetia Joe failed again for billions to see​


....Pretty-much the reason most people ignore you.
How is stating one lie after another confidently a victory over someone who has the actual facts.
Who believes that Trump could have prevented Putin from invading Ukraine? He invaded when he thought he had the troops to do so. Putin does not fear Trump: he considers him a useful idiot.

Who believes Trump could have prevented the Hamas War? Israel was unprepared, Trump has no power to tell Israel what to do.

Who believes that Trump didn't diddle Stormy Daniels and lie about the hush money?

Who believes a 10% tariff on imports will not raise prices?
Referring to Mr. Biden, Bogdan Butkevych, a popular radio host, wrote on social media, “His main task was to convince the voters of his energy and readiness to rule.” But, he added, “He wasn’t able to do it. Accordingly, the chance of his replacement by another candidate from the Democrats increases.”

Some took a measure of solace in Mr. Trump’s saying that he did not find it acceptable for the Kremlin to keep occupied lands.

The headline in the French daily Le Monde read: “Joe Biden’s shipwreck in the televised debate against Donald Trump.” The president, the newspaper continued, is “a shadow of the Joe Biden who faced Donald Trump in the 2020 election.”

American presidents drive a very big truck with a large number of other countries pulled along behind, said Daniela Schwarzer, an executive board member of the Bertelsmann Foundation, a think tank in Washington, D.C. “And for the next four years, you need a strong American president and a reliable partner to Europe — someone who can stand his ground in a world where there will be more conflict all around,” she said.

In Japan and South Korea, analysts detected a shift in the political winds toward Mr. Trump, and it prompted renewed questions about Mr. Biden’s age and ability to project strength.

Yes the debate went about as I assumed it would Both lied a lot and Joe made himself look like a escapee from a dementia ward.

Biden trained for days for this debate and failed miserably.
What was so surprising and somewhat amusing was seeing so many committed leftists expressing their shock at how poorly Biden performed.
What was so surprising and somewhat amusing was seeing so many committed leftists expressing their shock at how poorly Biden performed.
I do not see where debating skills are a realistic predictor of how a president will run the country.
Biden will try to maintain high employment, he will fight to defend the country and the planet, he will build infrastructure and serve the needs of our fellow Americans.

Trump wants revenge, forced removal of hard working immigrants, tax breaks for the wealthiest and an greter increase in th deficit. He will hire only lickspittles and suckups as advisors and administrators. He is far less capable now than he was in 2016, he somehow thinks Hannibal Lector, electric boat batteries and sharks are in some way relevant. He is clearly losing it.
I do not see where debating skills are a realistic predictor of how a president will run the country.
Biden will try to maintain high employment, he will fight to defend the country and the planet, he will build infrastructure and serve the needs of our fellow Americans.

Trump wants revenge, forced removal of hard working immigrants, tax breaks for the wealthiest and an greter increase in th deficit. He will hire only lickspittles and suckups as advisors and administrators. He is far less capable now than he was in 2016, he somehow thinks Hannibal Lector, electric boat batteries and sharks are in some way relevant. He is clearly losing it.
Biden has a malady commonly known as dementia.
Biden has a malady commonly known as dementia.
and to the less educated "demetia." lol

unless you are a neurologist (MD) (but even then) you are blowing smoke.

i do not think Alzheimer and dementia are 0-1 propositions. i say statistically many 70+ people have some level of Alzheimer/dementia.

however, trump is just evil, pure and simple. a million people died under his watch and partly due to his incompetence and selfishness and i have never seen him uttering a single word of sympathy. and some supposed Christians (who are supposed to be about love thy fellow human beings) are ok with that.
Biden has a malady commonly known as dementia.
There are absolutely NO signs of this. You aren't a doctor.
Trump is the one losing it,,, ranting about nonexistent boat batteries, sharks and "the late great Hannibal Lector."

Do you feel we need Trump to warn us about batteries in sinking electric boats, shark attacks and fictional cannibals?
And 40% inflation and how a 10% tariff would not cause a 10$ inflation in the prices of imported stuff? All Von Shitzhispants does is lie, lie, lie, and make up nonsense.

and to the less educated "demetia." lol

unless you are a neurologist (MD) (but even then) you are blowing smoke.

i do not think Alzheimer and dementia are 0-1 propositions. i say statistically many 70+ people have some level of Alzheimer/dementia.

however, trump is just evil, pure and simple. a million people died under his watch and partly due to his incompetence and selfishness and i have never seen him uttering a single word of sympathy. and some supposed Christians (who are supposed to be about love thy fellow human beings) are ok with that.
I believe mainstream media Biden supporters know they are lying when they falsely claim Biden is as sharp as ever. At any rate, Trump shows a greater liklihood than Biden in closing the US border, reigning in out of control pork spending, scaling back overburdensome government regulation and control of our people and free market, and so forth.