Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

You think so. But loving gay couples for example are not evil. Even if homosexuality is wrong according to bible it does not make gays evil. Lying is frowned upon. Adultery is frowned upon. But liars and adulterers are not necessarily evil. You have weaponized your religion in order to justify your hatred. Now that could be evil. Bon appetite!
Sexual promiscuity, perversion, and immorality is evil because of the harm it does to societies in the whole and not just to individuals in particular.
Sexual promiscuity, perversion, and immorality is evil because of the harm it does to societies in the whole and not just to individuals in particular.
Sexual promiscuity is independent of sexual orientation. You say harm but you never show how two gays loving a taking care of each other harms society. You do not because you do not work based on reason. Your views are bigoted, pure and simple.

Sexual promiscuity is independent of sexual orientation. You say harm but you never show how two gays loving a taking care of each other harms society. You do not because you do not work based on reason. Your views are bigoted, pure and simple.

Unregenerate humans are notoriously ignorant of all the harms that sins do to societies.
I didn't oppose Obama sending Iranian terrorists billions of dollars to build WMDs to use against the US and Israel because Obama was black. I opposed Obama doing that because it was stupid and wicked.
Dickhead. It was to stop nuclear proliferation and it's still working to this day.
That can hardly be stupid but you being a racist republican, you would say that.
Why would Obama want Iran to build weapons to destroy USA? Think about how ridiculous you claims.
It's nothing to do with WMD. Again, it's about your racism and politics.
Sexual promiscuity, perversion, and immorality is evil because of the harm it does to societies in the whole and not just to individuals in particular.
Define sexual promiscuity perversion and immorality in specific objective terms
Define sexual promiscuity perversion and immorality in specific objective terms
In the Bible, sexual immorality is a term used to describe sexual acts that violate social conventions and are outside of God's design for enjoying sexual pleasure. The Greek word porneia is often translated as "sexual immorality" in the New Testament and can also be translated as "whoredom" or "fornication". It's used to describe any sexual expression that takes place outside of a biblically defined marriage relationship, such as premarital sex, sex with prostitutes, or sex with a wife who is menstruating or pregnant. The Bible also considers it sexual immorality to have sex on a Sabbath or for the sole purpose of fulfilling lust, rather than to make babies.
In the Bible, sexual immorality is a term used to describe sexual acts that violate social conventions and are outside of God's design for enjoying sexual pleasure. The Greek word porneia is often translated as "sexual immorality" in the New Testament and can also be translated as "whoredom" or "fornication". It's used to describe any sexual expression that takes place outside of a biblically defined marriage relationship, such as premarital sex, sex with prostitutes, or sex with a wife who is menstruating or pregnant. The Bible also considers it sexual immorality to have sex on a Sabbath or for the sole purpose of fulfilling lust, rather than to make babies.
Mark says it hurts society, do you agree?
Dickhead. It was to stop nuclear proliferation and it's still working to this day.
That can hardly be stupid but you being a racist republican, you would say that.
Why would Obama want Iran to build weapons to destroy USA? Think about how ridiculous you claims.
It's nothing to do with WMD. Again, it's about your racism and politics.
Do democrats think Obama sent billions of dollars to worldwide terrorists who hate America and Israel with demonic fervor in a misguided effort to stop them from building WMDs to be used to destroy America and Israel? Democrats are astoundingly stupid.
Do democrats think Obama sent billions of dollars to worldwide terrorists who hate America and Israel with demonic fervor in a misguided effort to stop them from building WMDs to be used to destroy America and Israel? Democrats are astoundingly stupid.
That's exactly what it was for and they still don't have nukes. They weren't worldwide. It was only Iran.
So you can rave about this for another ten years and you'll still be wrong.

But post another link showing your ignorance.
Mark says it hurts society, do you agree?
Mark says it hurts society, do you agree?
Mark says it hurts society, do you agree?
Mark says it hurts society, do you agree?
In the Bible, sexual immorality is a term used to describe sexual acts that violate social conventions and are outside of God's design for enjoying sexual pleasure. The Greek word porneia is often translated as "sexual immorality" in the New Testament and can also be translated as "whoredom" or "fornication". It's used to describe any sexual expression that takes place outside of a biblically defined marriage relationship, such as premarital sex, sex with prostitutes, or sex with a wife who is menstruating or pregnant. The Bible also considers it sexual immorality to have sex on a Sabbath or for the sole purpose of fulfilling lust, rather than to make babies.
You asked for a description. I gave it to you. If I had not agreed, I would not have commented. Actions of one control society, whether it’s good or bad. It’s up to one to choose. Consequences do occur. Those can be good or bad.
What you believe in or anyone else, should not be made fun of.
Actions of good or bad affect someone, always! Might not make sense to you, but you rarely get it, so you probably won’t!
Define sexual promiscuity perversion and immorality in specific objective terms
We find perversion in many havens of demonic depravity.

In December 1977, police raided a house in the Boston suburb Revere. Twenty-four men were arrested and indicted on over 100 felony counts of the statutory rape of boys aged eight to fifteen.
Suffolk County district attorney Garrett H. Byrne found the men had used drugs and video games to lure the boys into a house, where they photographed them as they engaged in sexual activity. The men were members of a "sex ring"; Byrne said the arrest was "the tip of the iceberg".
Commenting on this issue, Boston magazine described NAMBLA as "the most despised group of men in America", which was "founded mostly by eccentric, boy-loving leftists".
The "Boston-Boise Committee", a gay rights organization, was formed in response to these events (which they termed the "Boston witch-hunt"), allegedly in order to promote solidarity amongst gay men, saying in an official leaflet that: "The closet is weak. There is strength in unity and openness."
NAMBLA's founding was inspired by this organization. It was co-founded by gay-rights activist and socialist David Thorstad.