Investigation uncovers fact that Cuomo lied about COVID and thousands died

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
While democrats were falsely accusing President Trump of lying about COVID and causing thousands of deaths, Governor Cuomo was lying and causing deaths instead. - News Alerts 9-9-24

Cuomo aides knew his nursing home mandate would be ‘great debacle,’ helped gov ‘edit’ report that deflated deaths, House COVID panel finds
Cuomo has nothing to do with Trump

I won't vote for him if you won't vote for Trump lol
While democrats were falsely accusing President Trump of lying about COVID and causing thousands of deaths, Governor Cuomo was lying and causing deaths instead. - News Alerts 9-9-24

Cuomo aides knew his nursing home mandate would be ‘great debacle,’ helped gov ‘edit’ report that deflated deaths, House COVID panel finds

Here's some facts about Trump's mishandling of covid. Over 400000 thousands unnecessary deaths while Cuomo had a legitimate excuse.
As researchers from UCLA noted in March 2021, the United States could have avoided 400,000 COVID deaths if the Trump administration had implemented a more effective health strategy that included mask mandates, social distancing, and robust testing guidelines. Birx made a similar statement at that time.

Here's the link. Shut you mouth.
Here's some facts about Trump's mishandling of covid. Over 400000 thousands unnecessary deaths while Cuomo had a legitimate excuse.
As researchers from UCLA noted in March 2021, the United States could have avoided 400,000 COVID deaths if the Trump administration had implemented a more effective health strategy that included mask mandates, social distancing, and robust testing guidelines. Birx made a similar statement at that time.

Here's the link. Shut you mouth.
Blaming Trump and excusing Cuomo exposes the dishonesty, stupidity, and hypocrisy of the left.
Blaming Trump and excusing Cuomo exposes the dishonesty, stupidity, and hypocrisy of the left.
If you say so but dont publish one ignorant side of the story.
Trump helped kill 400000 people unnecessarily be abuse was worried about his re election. He told countless lies and idiots like you believed it.
Cuomo has nothing to do with Trump

I won't vote for him if you won't vote for Trump lol
nope he has nothing to do with trump but his stupid policy's resulted in who knows how many death.
And that's the pointy lug nut not that you would care about American dying
nope he has nothing to do with trump but his stupid policy's resulted in who knows how many death.
And that's the pointy lug nut not that you would care about American dying
No that wasn't the point up above
Mark talked about people blaming Trump instead of Cuomo and I asked who those were
As always the lying moooron cowardl ran away
Just so long as you admit those who blamed Trump instead of Cuomo for COVID deaths were wrong.
I've already post a link about how many died under trumps mishandling of the virus.
Cuomo put them into a facility which was already infected, the same one they came out of.

They wouldn't take the vaccine, god was gonna help them and it failed.
I've already post a link about how many died under trumps mishandling of the virus.
Cuomo put them into a facility which was already infected, the same one they came out of.

They wouldn't take the vaccine, god was gonna help them and it failed.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans died of Covid while Pelosi was in office and after she went on public TV to encourage Americans to get out in public and not fear the virus. If you must blame someone it makes more sense to blame Pelosi or Fauci than to blame Trump.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans died of Covid while Pelosi was in office and after she went on public TV to encourage Americans to get out in public and not fear the virus. If you must blame someone it makes more sense to blame Pelosi or Fauci than to blame Trump.
Trump did nothing for three weeks after it hit. Then he said it would disappear over night, summer would kill it, shine a bright light into your guts, drink snake oil yet you want to blame Pelosi and fauci.
You're a dickhead.