There is a key word you forgot
Charity meant, still means, Freely giving your own resources to help those less fortunate
It means nothing if we are forced
Yes, of course, freely giving.
There is a key word you forgot
Charity meant, still means, Freely giving your own resources to help those less fortunate
It means nothing if we are forced
But in general I am against government marriage. I do not think the government should be in the job of "validating relationships" I would like to go back to the old days when a couple wrote in their bible on the day they were married and their pastor signed the bible and one parent on each side signed the bible and they were married, no government involved.
Well mostly I just jumped in this because of the 2 great commandments and what they meant. I was not wanting to get into a conversation on homosexual marriage, besides you already know where I stand when it comes to marriage.
I think plural marriage should be legal because some groups truly think they will not make it to heaven if they do not have plural marriage.
But in general I am against government marriage. I do not think the government should be in the job of "validating relationships" I would like to go back to the old days when a couple wrote in their bible on the day they were married and their pastor signed the bible and one parent on each side signed the bible and they were married, no government involved.
so for the sake of argument in today's times I think government marriage should be for the following...
anyone or anything can marry any one or any thing at any time for any reason in groups or in singles for any reason.
that would cover any possible argument![]()
I think I would clarify the marriage law to state that any consenting adult can marry any other consenting adult or adults. Animals, children, and appliances should remain out of it.
If that works for you then thats good, but there is bound to be someone out there who disagrees.
I would agree with you about kids though. We should protect all children.
so I should restate that to anyone or anything (over the age of 18)
I am not into pushing the bar, I would rather just remove it so we can stop fighting about it once and for all.
If you include those who cannot consent, then you will have to completely revamp marriage law in its entirety since consent/assent are integral to both the paperwork and the ceremony, and a non-consenting partner cannot perform the duties that come with legal marriage either.
I would like the whole thing wiped out and brought back to what it used to be where the government had no say at all.
Mostly I just want the argument to end. It never was a big topic for me in the first place. I only really have an opinion when it comes to polygamy.
Personally I would never get government married again and had I realized what I was doing when I did it the one time I would not have done it.
Well I take that back I would have because I wanted to get rid of my ethnic last name and it was either over 500 to pay for an attorney to do it then I had to pay for each ID I carried to be done or I could pay 55 dollars for a government marriage licence and all my ID changed for free.
So I still would have but I would have taken it with a grain of salt.
Hrmm being that I am divorced, perhaps I did take it with a grain of salt![]()
I, on the other hand, am happily married and hope that the f'ing Bible-beaters don't manage to take my marriage away from me with their changes to the marriage laws.
Our children are grown and gone, but we remain married and hope to grow old together and care for each other as we do so. The Bible-beaters want to take that away from everyone but themselves and I intend to fight them all the way.
How can anyone take your marriage away? I do not think anyone can take your marriage away.
Even these new marriages in Calif, those are protected... no one could take theirs away either...
but keep fighting if its what you believe in. Everyone has an issue that is important to them.
I have noticed you are not really interested in abortion, or many other topics you have made a few posts about it but its not your passion. This seems to be your passion. More power to you! I admire that.
For me abortion is a big issue that means a great deal to me, religious freedom, constitutional rights (thats where polygamy became an interest to me)
I avoid topics of war and there are a few other topics I avoid. I either do not understand the topic well enough to participate or its of no interest.
Keep up your fight for what you believe in.
We are currently granfathered through because we were married previously, but some of the anti-gay marriage laws specifically single out trans people and deny them the marriages they had before transition.
What I've realized is that anyone who can't figure out the profoundly simple message in Jesus 4 word commandment: LOVE OTHERS AS YOURSELF, isn't smart enough to discuss with me. I am glad that you have the Catholic church and the Pope to explain things to you though.
It's kind of sad that with all your kinky sex and pornographic accusations, your Kantian philosophy, the Circles of Hell, all your vapid arguments, and your stunning family motto: DUH?, that you simply end up working yourself into a religio/semantic frenzy where you are confused by 4 simple words. Well, I guess we all know that intelligent doesn't mean smart.
Adios Tonto... and the horse you rode in on.
Poor ol' Numbs, your blasphemy doesn't make you look all that much smarter or more Catholic. Run back to the Pope, I'm sure he can explain 4 words so that even you can understand. The only rigor I see you applying is intellectual rigor mortis.See? Your ideas can't withstand logical rigor.
A masochist would hurt everyone else when he applies the commandment of love diligently.
You might as well eat excrement since it is as dumb as what you are saying here.
Poor ol' Numbs, your blasphemy doesn't make you look all that much smarter or more Catholic. Run back to the Pope, I'm sure he can explain 4 words so that even you can understand. The only rigor I see you applying is intellectual rigor mortis.
Speaking of rigor mortis, is it also your opinion that necrophiliacs 'love others as themselves'? Surely, homosexuality is a mere stone-throw away from this absurd nonsense.
Anybody who cannot decipher the profoundly simple meaning of Jesus' 4 word commandment is obviously not smart enough to discuss with me.