Obviously, my perception of God is my own opinion!
Pandora, there is NO ONE, NO WHERE, who knows for sure what God is or if He/She/It even exists. ANYONE who believes in the Bible is also only doing it on "faith" not "facts."
Although, I don't think I said anything in the previous post that is not common knowledge to everyone who can think for themselves! Don't tell me that any one today (that is, anyone not blinded by dogmatic beliefs) will deny that the Bible was first an "oral" story, then was written by people whose knowledge, culture, and understanding of science and the natural world was far remove from today's! One would have to suspend all reason to not realize that, the way people saw or experienced events 4000 years ago are totally transferrable to today!
Anything related to religion, or beliefs is exactly that. . .OPINIONS.
Quoting verses from the Bible is no more valid than quoting paragraphs of the latest best seller book. It all depends on one's beliefs, and as such it should be respected, but it certainly doesn't have to be taken as "FACTS!"
So, yes, I have my own opinion, my own beliefs, my own feelings and my own relationship with God. And it satisfy me greatly.
And I do have the right to express those beliefs, as much as the Pope, or Pat Anderson, or the Archibishop of Canterbury. I just don't have as many "followers!"

But then again, I much prefer to let everyone find their own way, their own relationship with God, rather than "impose" my beliefs on anyone!