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Because you love your sins.People who fear God say no to all kinds of perversions and oppose them.Amazing! We actually agree!![]()
Because you love your sins.People who fear God say no to all kinds of perversions and oppose them.Amazing! We actually agree!![]()
Because you love your sins.People who fear God say no to all kinds of perversions and oppose them.
Because you love your sins.People who fear God say no to all kinds of perversions and oppose them.
Thanks for sharing your story.There is the perfect demonstration of how misguided and silly you are!
I'm not sure about Dr. Who. . .but I am an heterosexual woman, married for 40 years to the same man, mother of two adult children, and grandmother of 4 little boys. And if one of those little boy EVER decides that he is gay, I will embrace him and his partner with all my heart, just as I embrace each one of my little boys.
And it is as an heterosexual woman who respects all kind of love, who realizes that gay people are NOT a threat to anyone, much less of a threat to "marriage" than heterosexual couples who divorce 3 times, marry 4 times, fight, cheat, and abuse each other.
Marriage is what people make it.
Thanks for sharing your story.I am a heterosexual man and a believing Christian who fears God.If I dare to embrace any of GLBT couples,str8 couples who are divorced+remarried,and also fornicators of any kinds,I won't be a servant and a lover of Jesus Christ.Those who please this world and all its wickedness that it has,those are the children of The Devil who blinds their eyes and shuts their ears from God's Truth.They are on their bus on its way to Hell, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.
If we Christians do not warn and preach The Word of God to the depraved sodomites and other people who love sins,it means we hate them.Buts as we warn gays and other perverted people that their sinful lifestyles will drag them to Hell,so they must to seek Jesus and give up living in sins,it means we love them.Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor is to rebuke him/her sinning.I am very sorry you have such little faith in the goodness of your God and His/Her creatures.
I am a believer in God, ONE God, to whom mankind has given many images so they could relate to Him/Her. God is within us, in nature, in the air we breathe. It is too bad some choose to limit Him/Her to the pages of an old book which, as best, was written to give us GUIDANCE, not fear and prejudices.
If we Christians do not warn and preach The Word of God to the depraved sodomites and other people who love sins,it means we hate them.Buts as we warn gays and other perverted people that their sinful lifestyles will drag them to Hell,so they must to seek Jesus and give up living in sins,it means we love them.Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor is to rebuke him/her sinning.
What prejustice you're talking about Openmind?I understand that prejustice is discriminating people due to their color and ethnicity like it was here in America in old days.Yes,I believe that racial segregation was wrong and was a dark chapter in American history.But dealing with perverts like homosexuals,criminals,etc is absurd.People don't want them to access kids and force pushing their filth down many American people throats who totally disagree with them and their wicked lifestyles and have fears for their children.You may hate me for what I stated,but it is truth and no one can to errase it,for it is from God.There is an idiom,"The Truth is Never Get Burned in Fire and is Never Get Drowned in The Deep Water".
Gay people are not sinners-LOL.If homosexuality is abomination,so are people who practice this filth are indulged in sin.Adultery is a sin,so are people who commit adultery.You defend the wicked world and rebel against God.I feel sorry for you.I wasn't talking about "prejustice" but prejudice.
Homophobia, whether it is motivated by religion or by misunderstanding/fear of homosexuality is a form of prejudice against gay people.
Gay people are not sinners (well, some may bet, just as heterosexuals may be sinner) because they love a person of the same sex. I believe you are sinning against your fellow humans by imposing your beliefs on them and by interferring with their free will. It is not your place to preach your own specific and very narrow form of religion to anyone. It is invasive and destructive.
You have the freedom of your own ideas, opinions, beliefs, and faith. So does EVERYONE else in this world.
Gay people are not sinners-LOL.If homosexuality is abomination,so are people who practice this filth are indulged in sin.Adultery is a sin,so are people who commit adultery.You defend the wicked world and rebel against God.I feel sorry for you.
It is not your place to preach your own specific and very narrow form of religion to anyone.
I will please God and not this evil world before I die.The Bible always warns that GLBT is abomination from Sodom and Gomorrah to Jude 1:1-6.Other wayward Christians say that pedophilia is blessing like hellbound Catholic priests who molest underage boys with sex.Jesus warn us in Matthew 24:23 to beaware of false teachers,false preachers,and false prophets who will delude many with lies and attempts to justify evil ways of life.I certainly do not rebel against God. You believe you have an understanding of God through the Bible. I believe I have an understanding of God through my personal relationship with Him/Her, and my relationship with human beings.
Homosexuality is not an abomination. It is a different kind of sexual relationship that too many (including me, since I am not gay) do not completely understand, and as anything we don't understand, we tend to be sceptical or fearful of it. But a gay couple who is in love, and wish to commit to living their love and their life together are experiencing pretty much the same feelings as an heterosexual couple.
Please, don't waste your time feeling sorry for me. That is the way I felt about your sectarian beliefs and the way they seem to affect your life and probably the life of those around you, but I have long decided that it was a waste of time!
You'll understand soon enough. . .hopefully before you die.
Actually we all as Christians supposed to share the Good News and that includes pouinting out when sinners are sinning. The Holy Spirit will handle the heavy lifting of changing hearts but people have to be informed and we are called to do it.
Hedonism of any stripe is wrong and destructive. It is the cause of so many divorces (thanks to no fault divorce, some thing else that was warned against) and the crux of the same sex issue.
I agree, anyone who has sex for any reason other then a baby, and in the missionary position should be caned as they are wrong and it is destructive. even if you have sex that way, you should feel dirty and wrong about it and go pray for 30 days for forgiveness for your ungodly acts...more so if you had forplay...sinners!
I will please God and not this evil world before I die.The Bible always warns that GLBT is abomination from Sodom and Gomorrah to Jude 1:1-6.Other wayward Christians say that pedophilia is blessing like hellbound Catholic priests who molest underage boys with sex.Jesus warn us in Matthew 24:23 to beaware of false teachers,false preachers,and false prophets who will delude many with lies and attempts to justify evil ways of life.