Well-Known Member
Even Dennis Miller is against gay marriage
Even Dennis Miller is against gay marriage
I would not say they do not care. You can go down to the station and fill out a report, they would not turn you away
But if you are homosexual they will come to your home make a report, investigate on the scene, check the area to see if there is any threats or dangers.
If you are black or muslim and I think Jewish they will come out to the house also.
My point is there are special rights that homosexuals get that straight people don't.
There is a difference in having a policeman come to your home take a report, walk the area with his flash light and talk to people in the area asking if they saw anything or had any idea who would do this and telling you on the phone to come down in the morning and fill out a report.
I used the brick as a weapon for a reason, I am pretty darn sure if it was a gun shot the police would come out no matter who you are.
And I'm pretty sure they would come out if someone threw a brick through my window. I can't speak for the local police where you are.
You live in a strange place if the police give special privileges to Jews, blacks, and gays.
I don't know if its so strange, it all falls under hate crimes. You cannot commit a hate crime against someone who is a white, straight or christian. No one has to prove the crime was done in hate because of religion or skin color or who you have sex with they just have to be that religion or skin color or homosexual
The funny thing is, if someone throws a brick in your window they pretty much hate you no matter what color you are who you like to have sex with or what religion you practice
I never thought of us as being a high crime area so I do not think its that they are too busy to come by, though I do think they have reduced the number of police down to the (almost) bone.
I don't know if its so strange, it all falls under hate crimes. You cannot commit a hate crime against someone who is a white, straight or christian. No one has to prove the crime was done in hate because of religion or skin color or who you have sex with they just have to be that religion or skin color or homosexual
The funny thing is, if someone throws a brick in your window they pretty much hate you no matter what color you are who you like to have sex with or what religion you practice
I never thought of us as being a high crime area so I do not think its that they are too busy to come by, though I do think they have reduced the number of police down to the (almost) bone.
A "hate crime" isn't a hate crime until a jury says it is. The cops don't know whether they're responding to a hate crime or not.
Anyway, are you straight, white, and Christian? How is it that you feel left out of those special privileges you perceive?
you still have not listed a "Right" Gays have others don't
Also yes, you can have a hate crime against a white , a christian, or a Strait. Just becuse its more rare, does not mean you can't have one.
A "hate crime" isn't a hate crime until a jury says it is. The cops don't know whether they're responding to a hate crime or not.
I am non sexual, Native and messianic (sort of)
so I do not fit in that group, but I feel pretty sorry for straight white christians
they are screwed
No one is non sexual. Native, I'll buy. Messianic? The only one said to be a messiah, and only by his detractors, was Obama.
Are you really Barack Obama, pretending to be someone from Oregon with a conservative philosophy?
Now, I believe that is nonsense. The police don't decide whether to respond or not based on the sexual orientation, religion, or race of the person who called them.
I dont have sex with anyone, doesnt that make me non sexualMessianic is similar to christian except I reject many christian beliefs. so its complicated and really I dont know a messianic who would accept me anymore than any christian group I know
it may seem like nonsense but its the way things are. Of course the police would come out for a shooting or anything dangerous but throwing a brick through a window is hardly dangerous. and they cant come out for every little thing. Heck once I got a call that my school was being broken into and they refused to send the police to meet me so at 3 am my dog and I had to go check it out alone.
Is that how the law is written in your state? It is not written that way here. The list of what you have to be to get the special treatment under hate crime laws are spelled out. Christian, straight and white are not in the list here or in any place I know of.
sounds like your cops are underfunded...lets cut taxes!