.... totaly agree with you, principals and politics don't mix and never can...
Once upon a time they did. It was the cornerstone of my nations founding.
We all make compromises when we need to or when it suits us
When you achieve a compromise between responsibility and irresponsibility, who do you think wins? ...Responsibility loses every time.
Why stamp on her feelings?
That was a horrible analogy but I get what your trying to say... and I think its ridiculous. If your daughter wants a pony, and you can't afford a pony, should you buy it for her anyway so as to not hurt her feelings? Of course not, you have to be a responsible adult and say "No, you can't have that... we can't afford it." Well then your fiscally irresponsible wife comes along and says, "Don't cry sweaty, I'll buy you that pony on daddy's credit card."
Politics and life are about managing peoples expectations and striving to achieve the impossible - you cannot please all the people all the time.
The purpose of politics and life is to work for, acquire, manage and allocate resources as efficiently and effectively as possible to achieve the maximum amount of return on your investment.
Political parties afterall are just a loose confederation of roughly like minded individuals that would screw each other over to score a point and rise up the greasey pole!
Do you think thats how it should be, or just that its never going to change?
Remember, Obama promised just that kind of "Change", he was going to be a post-partisan, better-than-Bush, unite-the-country kinda president. Obviously those were "just words, just speeches" but that's what a majority of Americans really wanted - He was just telling people what they wanted to hear though... He didn't really believe any of it or plan on trying to do any of it. He couldn't have been elected if he told the truth and promised: higher taxes for everyone, less freedom for everyone, massive expansion of government over the private sector, open boarders, amnesty and benefits for illegal aliens, never ending bailouts, debts and deficits as far as the eye can see, all the while finger pointing and shifting blame. Obama has to hide who he really is and what he really believes behind a teleprompter of prepared remarks and carefully worded speeches.
We didn't elect a president, we elected a teleprompter.
As far as political principals are concerned.... what is it.... roughly 45% of the US population have bothered to turnout to vote in the last 20 general elections which means 55% don't give a $hit about principals!
Gonna go out on a limb and guess I know more Americans disenfranchised with the political system than you do... The ones I know don't think their vote makes any difference and even if their vote did matter, they are smart enough to see that both parties are different sides of the same coin - one side is just shinier than the other.