First Woman and Woman of Color is Presidential nominee.

Regular gas is selling in Miami on August 25th, 2024 at a high of $3.79 and a low of $2.99. If you calculate in the inflation rate, it is about the same as the price on the day Trump left office.
Of course, presidents do not set the price of gasoline and have never done so.
I pity those people who vote for democrats after being fooled by leftist propagandists that democrat policies will make Americans happier and wealthier than life would be experienced under Republicans.
a few comments:

- voting solely based on die is wrong and dangerous. Imagine a dem vote for a Clarence Thomas. I profusely will admit (all else equal) I voted for Obama in part because he was black. We needed a black president. And I voted for Clinton partly because she is a woman. We desperately need a woman president.

- if Harris is being kept away from interviews imo is a strategic move. She has been thinking as a presidential candidate for about a month. She needs time to polish up. My prediction is that she will perform well against Trump in debates.

- I am not sure people voting for Harris don’t know why. The reason is clear: to stop a mad man to
becoming president again. And the problem is not
just Trump, it is Trumpism. It is the new gop. I used not to be afraid of a republican in charge but with how gop has become it scares me if they get control of the gov. Until gop changes back to their older days…
Just as democrats do not want to alienate large mobs of uncivilized leftist savages who vote democrat, too many times often and early, republicans do not want to alienate conservative American repuplican voting patriots who oppose Marxism and degeneracy.
There are THOUSANDS of people in the US capable of serving as president. Black women have been the Democratic Party's most loyal followers and have never elected a Black woman to the presidency. Harris is clearly smarter and more in tume with the people than Trump. Trump cares only about Trump. He opposes democracy and hates over half the population.

Kamala and Wilz will be far better than Trump. Trump hasn;'t had an original idea since the 1970's. He thinks soldiers are suckers, he uses racism and hatred to lure stupid people to his causes.
Incompetent Marxists appear to uncivilized savages to be far superior candidates than republicans.
Regular gas is selling in Miami on August 25th, 2024 at a high of $3.79 and a low of $2.99. If you calculate in the inflation rate, it is about the same as the price on the day Trump left office.
Of course, presidents do not set the price of gasoline and have never done so.
You are right! Prices go up and down due to what is happening here and out of the country! It was $1.87 before 2020. Just saying. But again, it depends on the activity of the world. Because they can is my answer to people that ask why is gas high. My friend in Texas loves it high but when you have royalties, one does not care.
a few comments:

- voting solely based on die is wrong and dangerous. Imagine a dem vote for a Clarence Thomas. I profusely will admit (all else equal) I voted for Obama in part because he was black. We needed a black president. And I voted for Clinton partly because she is a woman. We desperately need a woman president.

- if Harris is being kept away from interviews imo is a strategic move. She has been thinking as a presidential candidate for about a month. She needs time to polish up. My prediction is that she will perform well against Trump in debates.

- I am not sure people voting for Harris don’t know why. The reason is clear: to stop a mad man to
becoming president again. And the problem is not
just Trump, it is Trumpism. It is the new gop. I used not to be afraid of a republican in charge but with how gop has become it scares me if they get control of the gov. Until gop changes back to their older days…
So you are saying you voted for the race and gender?
I did vote for Obama. I thought he would unite people and at one time i felt he did. Hillary no way!
An Oprah Winfrey, Sara Huckabee, Tim Scott, Ben Carson… good people to vote for.
Trump is not perfect I know. But the politics in this race, meaning Trump does not play their game, this is why the media and others will portray Trump in an awful way. In the days, they all were friends. Just a month ago yes Harris took over but weeks before that she was not given the time of day. She is studying up on debate. But I will say this. If she becomes president, she will stop fracking. She will do the things she has politicked for in the past. You do not change overnight from your beliefs. Sure they will say what they think what the people want to hear. No climate is being talked about. Immigrants! Crime etc. It is what it is!
Hypocrisy and games snd only Americans suffer. They will all be just fine!



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If gasoline prices are too high for you, you can simply invest in ExxonMobil or ConocoShell or whomever are make back the extra money the gas price increase cost you. But Trump did nothing to make gasoline cheaper and Biden did nothing to make it more expensive.
You can choose to be an owner of an oil company if you so desire. Buy shares in the ETF called USO and you can own pieces of many oil companies.
Current price is $75.55 per share.

In the past year it has gone up 13.35%
So you are saying you voted for the race and gender?

Trump is not perfect I know. But the politics in this race, meaning Trump does not play their game, this is why the media and others will portray Trump in an awful way.
Your construct is ambiguous. I did vote PARTLY based on race and gender. All else roughly equaI I did vote for Obama because he was black and Clinton because she was a woman. IMO we needed a black president and we needed a woman president. We still do.

Media portrays Trump in an awful way? The guy implied Mexicans are rapist and murderers. He impuned Muslims. He put an ad advocating executing 5 blacks after dna exonerated them and after the real criminal confessed to the crime. He called military heroes suckers and losers. He said he will be a dictator. He said he will suspend the constitution. He lies ALL THE TIME. he promised a new healthcare in two weeks. He promised a speech on abortion in two weeks. He lies ALL THE TIME. And you think the MEDIA portrays him in an awful way? We don’t need the media for that. Just wait for trump to open his mouth.
Just as democrats do not want to alienate large mobs of uncivilized leftist savages who vote democrat, too many times often and early, republicans do not want to alienate conservative American repuplican voting patriots who oppose Marxism and degeneracy.
Your ramblings are that of a sick person imo.
Your construct is ambiguous. I did vote PARTLY based on race and gender. All else roughly equaI I did vote for Obama because he was black and Clinton because she was a woman. IMO we needed a black president and we needed a woman president. We still do.

Media portrays Trump in an awful way? The guy implied Mexicans are rapist and murderers. He impuned Muslims. He put an ad advocating executing 5 blacks after dna exonerated them and after the real criminal confessed to the crime. He called military heroes suckers and losers. He said he will be a dictator. He said he will suspend the constitution. He lies ALL THE TIME. he promised a new healthcare in two weeks. He promised a speech on abortion in two weeks. He lies ALL THE TIME. And you think the MEDIA portrays him in an awful way? We don’t need the media for that. Just wait for trump to open his mouth.
Do you see all of Trump and Harris’ rallies and interviews? Yes or no?
I do not believe the Kamala or Biden either one could win an honest election against Trump. Neither Biden not Harris has any advantage on their own in any election against Trump.
As a moooron no doubt you believe many stupid things
I do not believe the Kamala or Biden either one could win an honest election against Trump. Neither Biden not Harris has any advantage on their own in any election against Trump.
But who would do better against Trump? Once again I tell you I have no hope that you would ever give an honest answer. So I respond to you not to have a dialogue with you as you are never honest. I respond to you to demonstrate to others the inanity of your thoughts and ramblings.
Do you see all of Trump and Harris’ rallies and interviews? Yes or no?
I pity those people who vote for democrats after being fooled by leftist propagandists that democrat policies will make Americans happier and wealthier than life would be experienced under Republicans.
Again, every single expert in finance agrees that unemployment is lower and fewer are homeless when there is a Democrat in the White House. This has been true for over seventy years.

People are happier when they live indoors and have jobs, no one disputes that.

The GOP is no longer a political party, it is cult led by an ignorant liar who wants to be a dictator and has said so.
Who would do better against Trump: Biden or Harris?

Number of times asked : 12+
Number of times answered: maybe 1

If gasoline prices are too high for you, you can simply invest in ExxonMobil or ConocoShell or whomever are make back the extra money the gas price increase cost you. But Trump did nothing to make gasoline cheaper and Biden did nothing to make it more expensive.
You can choose to be an owner of an oil company if you so desire. Buy shares in the ETF called USO and you can own pieces of many oil companies.
Current price is $75.55 per share.

In the past year it has gone up 13.35%
Millions of Americans are making money off fuel producers, including factory workers whose retirements are tied up in fuel producing corporations. Schools and town governments are also majorly dependent on fossil fuel corporations they are heavily invested in making profits. Greedy union workers can redistribute corporate wealth by robbing investors to give the funds to themselves.
Again, every single expert in finance agrees that unemployment is lower and fewer are homeless when there is a Democrat in the White House. This has been true for over seventy years.

People are happier when they live indoors and have jobs, no one disputes that.

The GOP is no longer a political party, it is cult led by an ignorant liar who wants to be a dictator and has said so.
Your "every single expert" is a deluded or deliberately dishonest democrat bootlick sycophant.