Fascist rich world leaders propose taxing the poor to increase their own power and wealth

And you believe science has proven the Bible false in that account?
Science has never wasted a minute proving that but the fossils and space observations prove its false.

I don't think so.
That's your problem son. You don't t think at all.

Science does not have the intelligence or ability to see things it cannot see and prove things without observation.
I'm certain you don't have the intelligence to see things about your god. No one else on earth has but your do have a unique stupidity.

Observing things is exactly what science does. That's why they can't find god or heaven. Idiot.
God does things His way, not some human way.
The Biblical character called "God" is oh, ever so mystical, and does everything in such mystical ways that no man can even comprehend.

Logic is logic, it applies to all who think.

The Biblical character called "God" is fictional and always has been so.
He has never existed.
yeah, your evil god does things his way, including condoning genocide and slavery
Hold on. Don't forget the mass slaughter of male kids and using the females as sex slaves.
Throw in some incest with Lot and his two daughters and he's a nasty old scallywag.
What you think mark?
How's your bloody god going now?
The Biblical explanation for the creation involves "God" creating the Earth before the stars, The stars in the Bible are ornamental, just there so we would not get lonely at night.It also involves a talking snake and sinful fruit.
How could you possibly know what a god does? Youve never seen one thing done by a god.
Who do you think you are? You're delusional.

John 8:31-33
King James Version

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?​

In what sense did Jesus make anyone free? Free of what? In what ways were they previously oppressed?
They were not free of the Romans.

Weren't these people of "Abraham's seed" the same people that were held in bondage in Egypt for a goodly time?
And how did being descendants of Abraham make them special compared to everyone else?

The Bible is stuffed with this illogical nonsense.
We are stewards of this planet, and hydrocarbon emissions are making it less fit for human habitation.Global climate change is a serious matter and will be addressed or we will suffer the consequences.

Big Oil is run by execs who care only about their personal wealth.
We are stewards of this planet, and hydrocarbon emissions are making it less fit for human habitation.Global climate change is a serious matter and will be addressed or we will suffer the consequences.

Big Oil is run by execs who care only about their personal wealth.
Big Oil may be run by businesspeople who may think people like you are sniffling brats who wouldn't know how to grow a business no matter how many years of schooling are crammed into the mix.