Again your hostility is a demonstration of the polarization that this thread complains about. You are here only to argue and browbeat; you have no interest in rational discussion. You automatically assume that any conservative must be a “right-wing nut job” so discussion with you is always impossible.
Things are polarized but you coming at things from a Right Wing perspective cannot possibly understand why it did have to come to this... or maybe you can but dislike it when people don't just lie down anymore but instead choose to fight back in kind (not necessarily to you but to the Karl Rove, Druggie Limbaugh types on the Right that lead you).
Except for the major unrest in protesting the war in Vietnam (and history now shows Vietnam was a mistake) the Left tended to be made up of mostly intellectual types or peace & love types. This changed over time as the Right became more & more rabid.
The Right Wing attack dogs made stuff up & witch hunted President Clinton on everything from murder to drug dealing to fraudulent land deals and when all else failed they ended up trying to take him down for a consensual adult affair.
The Right Wing attack dogs smeared Max Cleland a highly decorated Vietnam War Veteran and double amputee who lost limbs in the line of military duty unpatriotic because they wanted to oust him from the US Senate.
The Right Wing attack dogs did likewise in their Swift Boating of Senator John Kerry an in country in theater Vietnam fighter a highly decorated officer including multiple purple hearts.
And now these same low life Rightie attack dogs want to smear & attack our President who was left with such sh!t from when you guys held power.

So you'll have to excuse us if we walk an in your face line now. We didn't want this fight but it your side who brought it to us and now we do fight back. If you want to represent that side then you're going to have to expect the heat now.
You can't play the bully when you have someone outnumbered and then whine when that same person you bullied wops you right on that side of your face.