democrats here claim that there is no problem with illegals committing crimes

Really, what percent of undocumented immigrants in your estimation come here to commit violent crimes and hurt America?

And what do you say to fbi reports that says immigrants as a group commit less crimes than native Americans?
Well let me just say it like this! Of course the recent murders committed to several women that are illegal will be a focus. The crimes of businesses which is fine by illegals and Americans, either are bailed out, etc.
The murders of those young ladies, I cannot say would not have ever happened but it did and they are all illegals that came over the border unvetted by Biden/Harris administration. Some sanction cities plate overwhelmed on the amount that have arrived. Example, yes supervised, but had Springfield Ohio states, it’s not from where, it’s how many! And do all follow our laws? Nope but yes just like Americans. Arrest them! There are consequences for one’s actions no matter who one is! Just like someone refusing to abide by the law. When a cop tells you to put your gun down, put the damn thing down! How hard is that? Grrrr. I can rattle on. Just come here the right way!
Dems have just made an obvious move, as in DHS… careless. Flying people in. Schumer, I cannot stand the ground he walks on. Pelosi, I will not go there.
Well let me just say it like this! Of course the recent murders committed to several women that are illegal will be a focus. The crimes of businesses which is fine by illegals and Americans, either are bailed out, etc.
The murders of those young ladies, I cannot say would not have ever happened but it did and they are all illegals that came over the border unvetted by Biden/Harris administration. Some sanction cities plate overwhelmed on the amount that have arrived. Example, yes supervised, but had Springfield Ohio states, it’s not from where, it’s how many! And do all follow our laws? Nope but yes just like Americans. Arrest them! There are consequences for one’s actions no matter who one is! Just like someone refusing to abide by the law. When a cop tells you to put your gun down, put the damn thing down! How hard is that? Grrrr. I can rattle on. Just come here the right way!
Dems have just made an obvious move, as in DHS… careless. Flying people in. Schumer, I cannot stand the ground he walks on. Pelosi, I will not go there.
So 1%? .1%?

I think it is wrong to demonize a defenseless minority for partisan reasons. I abhor scapegoating and bullying.
So 1%? .1%?

I think it is wrong to demonize a defenseless minority for partisan reasons. I abhor scapegoating and bullying.
So you think it’s bullying sending back the MS13? Gangs?
I am not giving a percentage because I do not know and a percentage is not accurate if we do not know the true number who are here!
And those parents do not care about a percentage. They just know they were not suppose to be here!
So you think it’s bullying sending back the MS13? Gangs?
I am not giving a percentage because I do not know and a percentage is not accurate if we do not know the true number who are here!
And those parents do not care about a percentage. They just know they were not suppose to be here!
I was not asking if you KNOW the numbers. I was asking what you think.

Here, you will win a $1000 if you are correct

A. Less than .1%
B. Between .1 and 1 %
C. Between 1 and 10%
D. Greater than 10%

look one can argue that by definition they are not supposed to be here. But then to claim they come here with the intent to harm america is a whole different kettle of fish.
Stupid gets stupid…

Here: If you deport all Swedes, number of crimes will drop.

There are intelligent conservatives who can argue against undocumented immigrants without resorting to misleading and distorted factoids.
yes crime would drop because any crimes they are doing hwill not be done here. daaaaaa

You do know Biden knew that illegals with ties to Terriots and gangs and rapist and murders were coming in and he tried to cover it up and hide the truth . What kind of a man would do that to his nation,
yes crime would drop because any crimes they are doing hwill not be done here. daaaaaa

You do know Biden knew that illegals with ties to Terriots and gangs and rapist and murders were coming in and he tried to cover it up and hide the truth . What kind of a man would do that to his nation,
I know no such thing. But then again I am not obsessed and partisan enough to make up numbers and bogus argument.

But the stoopid inevitable conclusion of your logic is that we should not anllow any immigrants. Because any crime committed by those immigrants would not have happened if they had not come here.
So 1%? .1%?

I think it is wrong to demonize a defenseless minority for partisan reasons. I abhor scapegoating and bullying.
demonize a defenseless minority lol where do you think they were doing with ak 47s and other guns camp from that the illegals gangs from Mexico and Venezuela.
How many illegals have citizens killed compared to illegals killing us, Defenseless like hell they are defenseless. look at all the assaults on police and robberies and rapes they have done.

And you do not get it still lying Biden and back door giggles were aware that gang bangers and terror suspects along with rapist and killers from around the world and told the people at the border to cover it up .
And yes they are a minority because they are not citizens and don't belong here. BIDEN should be charge for wanton endangerment .
How many illegals have citizens killed compared to illegals killing us,
You finally slipped and asked the right question.

According to fbi immigrants as a group commit less crimes than American citizens.

I hope you will now retire this insane argument and come up with some good ones. I know you can do it. I’m rooting for you.
You finally slipped and asked the right question.

According to fbi immigrants as a group commit less crimes than American citizens.

I hope you will now retire this insane argument and come up with some good ones. I know you can do it. I’m rooting for you.
And you think that answers the question lol well how many they have killed just this year maybe that will be a real number.
No wonder you're a liberal
And you think that answers the question lol well how many they have killed just this year maybe that will be a real number.
No wonder you're a liberal
Yes I do. Here:

Your question: “How many illegals have citizens killed compared to illegals killing us,”

FBI answer: According to fbi immigrants as a group commit less crimes than American citizens.

Also: try and stay away from ad hominem comments. Thanks.
I was not asking if you KNOW the numbers. I was asking what you think.

Here, you will win a $1000 if you are correct

A. Less than .1%
B. Between .1 and 1 %
C. Between 1 and 10%
D. Greater than 10%

look one can argue that by definition they are not supposed to be here. But then to claim they come here with the intent to harm america is a whole different kettle of fish.
I hate to say this, I do not trust the FBI! My words, that they think they are all that and a bag of chips! I would have a whole lot to say telling them how the cow ate the cabbage! They are playing games! So you can give me figures and there is no way they have correct figures! No way! So i would be assuming as you are reading their figures, they do not know. If you trust them, thats ok too but I do not. Dang no $1,000!
I hate to say this, I do not trust the FBI! My words, that they think they are all that and a bag of chips! I would have a whole lot to say telling them how the cow ate the cabbage! They are playing games! So you can give me figures and there is no way they have correct figures! No way! So i would be assuming as you are reading their figures, they do not know. If you trust them, thats ok too but I do not. Dang no $1,000!
What is your best guess? If you had a dollar to BET on one of the four choices, what would be your best guess? I promise I will not attack you for your number. What percent of them come here INTENDING to hurt America?
What is your best guess? If you had a dollar to BET on one of the four choices, what would best guess. I promise I will not attack you for your number. What percent of them come here INTENDING to hurt America?
It’s a low percentage of hurting Americans. I found like a politician I know. Intentions of gangs to take over, I feel they have that in mind. They rule, they feel! But…. I read this. Makes sense to me anyway. I know I frustrate you.

Invalid Apples-to-Rocks Comparison. The notion that policy thinkers and media pundits must compare the measured crime rates of citizens and illegal aliens has no foundation in academic science because the two compared groups are not similar enough.

Here is why: Illegal immigrants, unlike American citizens, are uniquely subject to an elaborate deportation and detention apparatus that Congress built to block and remove them from the country, in part so that they are not present to commit crimes. The same apparatus, of course, cannot touch American citizens who will commit crimes.

To state what should be obvious: Illegal aliens blocked at the border or who are quickly removed from the country cannot inflict harm on Americans because they are not present. That means every single crime committed by an illegally present immigrant was preventable and should never have happened, whereas the Department of Homeland Security detention and removal machine cannot prevent a single crime by an American citizen.

All crimes committed by illegal aliens represent an unnecessary and preventable burden on American society and its criminal justice system.

These differences between the two groups mean that comparing their crime rates isn’t even apples-to-oranges, but apples-to-rocks, and invalid from the start.

The libertarians and progressives who created and purveyed the citizen-versus-illegals crime-rate comparison debate should be called out for their campaign of misdirection. It has helped neutralize the deserved political backlash against these 100 percent unnecessary extra crimes and blunted political momentum for policy remedies that would reduce the illegal immigration that caused them. The mass illegal immigration continues while those who either favor or disfavor illegal immigration wage their battles over the invalid question of relative crime rates.

A different approach is long overdue.