Democrats are just as fascist as the republicans.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Democrats have been able to remove Jill Stein from state ballots just because they complained really. Republicans don’t do that with the libertarian candidate. So democrats are actually worse in this regard. They’re worse in my opinion because they’re lying hypocrites. They say they support freedom and democracy but they completely don’t. They’re simply cowards who want to win by any pathetic means necessary and that’s why they don’t deserve to win. Fuck you bastards. I might never vote democrat again after all this *********.
That was ONE STATE.
They’re trying to do it everywhere they can. Especially this year because of the genocide opposition. They want to force these people to vote for them who are disgusted by them. I’m disgusted by them completely. Never in my life did I think I’d end up hating the democrats when they’re on the verge of electing the first female president. But she’s a killer. This whole administration is. And I will not support that. America be damned before I do. I stand by my morals. I’m not supporting genocide. Period.
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Democrats have been able to remove Jill Stein from state ballots just because they complained really. Republicans don’t do that with the libertarian candidate. So democrats are actually worse in this regard. They’re worse in my opinion because they’re lying hypocrites. They say they support freedom and democracy but they completely don’t. They’re simply cowards who want to win by any pathetic means necessary and that’s why they don’t deserve to win. Fuck you bastards. I might never vote democrat again after all this *********.
Any pathetic means you say? How do you feel about long lines in poorer neighborhoods or laws that make giving water to people in line illegal?
Any pathetic means you say? How do you feel about long lines in poorer neighborhoods or laws that make giving water to people in line illegal?
All bad. Republicans are worse ultimately. But that doesn’t mean democrats can’t be criticized for being bad too. I’m done with the lesser evil shit.
Democrats have been able to remove Jill Stein from state ballots just because they complained really. Republicans don’t do that with the libertarian candidate. So democrats are actually worse in this regard. They’re worse in my opinion because they’re lying hypocrites. They say they support freedom and democracy but they completely don’t. They’re simply cowards who want to win by any pathetic means necessary and that’s why they don’t deserve to win. Fuck you bastards. I might never vote democrat again after all this *********.
And who gives a rats ass about your opinion. Your golden girl is now history.

If the democrats broke the rules you'd want blood you hypocrite.
And who gives a rats ass about your opinion. Your golden girl is now history.

If the democrats broke the rules you'd want blood you hypocrite.
The democrats were the ones rigging an election here. I don’t care if Jill Stein wins or not. I don’t care if Trump or Kamala wins. But I still cast my vote for Jill Stein because I believe in her and what she stands for. What’s the point in winning if you’re still a piece of shit afterwards? Most likely Trump or Kamala is going to win but I want to look back on my vote and know I didn’t support genocide. Kamala is a republican cop opportunist. Not a liberal at all. As I watch the democrats turn more right wing, I really don’t see Trump as the real threat anymore. He’s clearly just a symptom. I mean you got evil ass Dick Cheney’s endorsement and Kamala is giddy with joy over it. That speaks for itself.
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All bad. Republicans are worse ultimately. But that doesn’t mean democrats can’t be criticized for being bad too. I’m done with the lesser evil shit.
Let me add….

I think the “lesser of two evil” argument is a reasonable one. I often struggle with it myself. But surely the preferred solution cannot be a situation where your vote helps elect the bigger evil.

It is a problem with no clear or easy solution. I have written about this before. The best answer imo is to reform our system and for example adopt a system that allows voters to pick a second choice in case their first choice does not get the majority vote. Arguably the lesser of two evil might be more willing to consider this reform.

Also imo there is something different this time. I cannot say we knew in advance the bush Romney McCain Obama Biden were danger to our democracy. IMO Trump is uniquely a danger to our democracy. He tells us himself. I also realize that some have the same opinion regarding Harris.
Let me add….

I think the “lesser of two evil” argument is a reasonable one. I often struggle with it myself. But surely the preferred solution cannot be a situation where your vote helps elect the bigger evil.

It is a problem with no clear or easy solution. I have written about this before. The best answer imo is to reform our system and for example adopt a system that allows voters to pick a second choice in case their first choice does not get the majority vote. Arguably the lesser of two evil might be more willing to consider this reform.

Also imo there is something different this time. I cannot say we knew in advance the bush Romney McCain Obama Biden were danger to our democracy. IMO Trump is uniquely a danger to our democracy. He tells us himself. I also realize that some have the same opinion regarding Harris.
Yeah but democrats are a threat to democracy too. They’re making a mockery of themselves. If they really believed everything they said then they wouldn’t be sending their lawyers and trying to pull the Green Party off the ballot in Nevada and Wisconsin for example. I think Biden’s position on Israel has put us all in danger and set a terrible precedent for human rights and the rest of the world. That’s already as evil as I can imagine it needs to be to not support either one. If Trump gets elected then at least there’s a chance the democrats can change for the better and maybe learn an important lesson. I don’t see any good in either side winning. But I do see a silver lining in the potential for some serious introspection if the democrats lose. I wish they were smarter or less greedy than that. I wish they could just do the right thing now and I could get on board with electing the first female president. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to see Trump win. But I will do what I feel is right with my vote.
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Yeah but democrats are a threat to democracy too. They’re making a mockery of themselves. If they really believed everything they said then they wouldn’t be sending their lawyers and trying to pull the Green Party off the ballot in Nevada and Wisconsin for example. I think Biden’s position on Israel has put us all in danger and set a terrible precedent for human rights and the rest of the world. That’s already as evil as I can imagine it needs to be to not support either one. If Trump gets elected then at least there’s a chance the democrats can change for the better and maybe learn an important lesson. I don’t see any good in either side winning. But I do see a silver lining in the potential for some serious introspection if the democrats lose. I wish they were smarter or less greedy than that. I wish they could just do the right thing now and I could get on board with electing the first female president. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to see Trump win. But I will do what I feel is right with my vote.
Fair enough.

But realize that the below two are distinct from each other:

1. I’m sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evil
2. Which candidate is lesser of two evil

Please indulge me and tell me in your opinion who is lesser of the two evil?

I would be more disappointed if you say they are the same ans opposed to say saying Trump is. I disagree with the latter but the former is likely failure of logic.

Fair enough.

But realize that the below two are distinct from each other:

1. I’m sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evil
2. Which candidate is lesser of two evil

Please indulge me and tell me in your opinion who is lesser of the two evil?

I would be more disappointed if you say they are the same ans opposed to say saying Trump is. I disagree with the latter but the former is likely failure of logic.

I could make an argument that Trump is the lesser evil here because he’ll make democrats change their ways by defeating them. If they lose over Gaza it’ll teach them a very important lesson that they’re capable of learning I think. Republicans aren’t capable of learning anything. Republicans want this. Republicans are evil. That’s why I’ve been so mad at Biden because he’s been fulfilling a republican agenda foreign policy wise and now democrats want to be republicans with the border and on crime. I do not want the democrats to become the new Republican Party. If they lose this election then I believe we can avoid that. Unless Kamala wants to make clear that she won’t support genocide and won’t have republican policies. But even if she did, it’s getting kind of late now. Democrats have been really stupid this whole year.

I’ve seen AOC actually gaslight when she spoke at the DNC.
I’ve seen John Fetterman become the left’s George Santos. He lied about being a progressive and appears on fox news now.
I’ve seen Muslims being told they can’t enter Biden’s rallies just for being Muslim.
It’s been letdown after letdown from the democrats.
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