I think non progressive Democrats could be turning into the new Republican Party.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
As more level headed republicans leave the party (not most of them though) I’ve seen these republicans come over to the liberal side and really try to shape the liberals to be like the party they used to support. Because in our two party system I guess they only have one other alternative. And that’s how we got a lot of these Biden Democrats (like the Reagan Republicans). And I’ve seen Joe Biden really act like this is the case presidentially. Joe Biden lost my vote back when he met with Jamal Khashoggi’s killers in Saudi Arabia. I felt concerned that all he cared about was gas prices or something trivial to pander to a selfish American public interest. And when confronted by reporters about how Jamal’s wife felt about the situation he just said “Sorry she feels that way” far from the empathic man painted by the media during the election. But then Israel happened and now I just want and pray for him to lose every day. I know that Donald Trump will win. But democrats or real liberals will be all the stronger for it in the end. Because Biden has proved he’s not the lesser evil and he’s not even a democrat I would argue. After the Michigan protest no doubt instead of trying to get those voters back by doing every thing he can to stop the genocide, he’s probably going to try and pursue Nikki Haley’s voters who’ll more likely vote for trump anyways. He is the most pathetic presidential candidate ever. If Biden wins in November I’ll be truly shocked and I must say that it will be because enough republicans came out for him to protect the status quo against the tyranny disguised as populism from Trump. I think our democracy can survive another trump term at the expense of becoming better democrats for future elections. Joe Biden has to be defeated for that to happen though.
As more level headed republicans leave the party (not most of them though) I’ve seen these republicans come over to the liberal side and really try to shape the liberals to be like the party they used to support. Because in our two party system I guess they only have one other alternative. And that’s how we got a lot of these Biden Democrats (like the Reagan Republicans). And I’ve seen Joe Biden really act like this is the case presidentially. Joe Biden lost my vote back when he met with Jamal Khashoggi’s killers in Saudi Arabia. I felt concerned that all he cared about was gas prices or something trivial to pander to a selfish American public interest. And when confronted by reporters about how Jamal’s wife felt about the situation he just said “Sorry she feels that way” far from the empathic man painted by the media during the election. But then Israel happened and now I just want and pray for him to lose every day. I know that Donald Trump will win. But democrats or real liberals will be all the stronger for it in the end. Because Biden has proved he’s not the lesser evil and he’s not even a democrat I would argue. After the Michigan protest no doubt instead of trying to get those voters back by doing every thing he can to stop the genocide, he’s probably going to try and pursue Nikki Haley’s voters who’ll more likely vote for trump anyways. He is the most pathetic presidential candidate ever. If Biden wins in November I’ll be truly shocked and I must say that it will be because enough republicans came out for him to protect the status quo against the tyranny disguised as populism from Trump. I think our democracy can survive another trump term at the expense of becoming better democrats for future elections. Joe Biden has to be defeated for that to happen though.
Americans who fall away from God in order to flock toward evil will not bring good to any civilization.
Americans who fall away from God in order to flock toward evil will not bring good to any civilization.
Yeah, you need to buy your God Bless the USA King James Bibles. Only three easy payments of $19.95 plus shipping and handling. For a little bit more, you can get yours signed by Donald Trump and King James himself.

Show God you love him by investing in Truth Social. Stock symbol DJT.
The last time that symbol was used, it was Trump's bankrupted casinos.
As more level headed republicans leave the party (not most of them though) I’ve seen these republicans come over to the liberal side and really try to shape the liberals to be like the party they used to support. Because in our two party system I guess they only have one other alternative. And that’s how we got a lot of these Biden Democrats (like the Reagan Republicans). And I’ve seen Joe Biden really act like this is the case presidentially. Joe Biden lost my vote back when he met with Jamal Khashoggi’s killers in Saudi Arabia. I felt concerned that all he cared about was gas prices or something trivial to pander to a selfish American public interest. And when confronted by reporters about how Jamal’s wife felt about the situation he just said “Sorry she feels that way” far from the empathic man painted by the media during the election. But then Israel happened and now I just want and pray for him to lose every day. I know that Donald Trump will win. But democrats or real liberals will be all the stronger for it in the end. Because Biden has proved he’s not the lesser evil and he’s not even a democrat I would argue. After the Michigan protest no doubt instead of trying to get those voters back by doing every thing he can to stop the genocide, he’s probably going to try and pursue Nikki Haley’s voters who’ll more likely vote for trump anyways. He is the most pathetic presidential candidate ever. If Biden wins in November I’ll be truly shocked and I must say that it will be because enough republicans came out for him to protect the status quo against the tyranny disguised as populism from Trump. I think our democracy can survive another trump term at the expense of becoming better democrats for future elections. Joe Biden has to be defeated for that to happen though.
Some Democrats can see the direction Liberals are leading this country too and no longer want anything to do with it they're tired of liberal stupidity and ignorance and lack of morals and ethics.
Some Democrats can see the direction Liberals are leading this country too and no longer want anything to do with it they're tired of liberal stupidity and ignorance and lack of morals and ethics.
what "lack of morals and ethics" do you refer to? are they yearning for the constant lies and indictments of donald trump? lol
Americans who fall away from God in order to flock toward evil will not bring good to any civilization.
That's the way comrade. Frighten the shit out of them with an injection of god. That always works.
Btw. When was the republican party ever aligned with god? Certainly not in the constitution.
Yeah, you need to buy your God Bless the USA King James Bibles. Only three easy payments of $19.95 plus shipping and handling. For a little bit more, you can get yours signed by Donald Trump and King James himself.

Show God you love him by investing in Truth Social. Stock symbol DJT.
The last time that symbol was used, it was Trump's bankrupted casinos.
There are elements in America who believe God hates white Christian Americans and loves violent leftist anarchists and racists with heated passion.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America"
That's the way comrade. Frighten the shit out of them with an injection of god. That always works.
Btw. When was the republican party ever aligned with god? Certainly not in the constitution.
Isaiah 30:10
Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: