Americans know the whole Letitia James fiasco is all about theft and election fraud. The liars and looters want Trump removed from the 2024 ballot and they want to seize his assets for themselves. What a bunch of tribal barbarian ungodly savages. Did Trump commit a crime for not evaluating his property in business deals with lenders who never took trump's valuation of property over their own? No, the whole idea is stupid.
What further exposes the Democrat stupidity and hypocrisy is the fact that their own valuations of Trump's property were off the charts ridiculous. Here is one example of leftist media mob stupidity, dishonesty, and hypocrisy:
In October 2023, CNN performed a gratuitous fact-check for the Democrat Party on the value of Donald J.
EMBARRASSING! CNN Now Says Mar-a-Lago Is Worth $240 Million—Only 5 Months Ago, They “Fact-Checked” Trump For Disputing Crooked Judge Engoron’s $18 Million Valuation [VIDEO]