Rabid leftist Democrat judge who unjustly screwed Trump has a history of wickedly screwing others, including the opponent's help

Likewise, forefathers of modern Democrats once told Pilot that Jesus belonged on the cross.
Pilot? Poncho Pilot?
I do not think any forefathers of modern Democrats ever told "Pilot" anything. Certainly no one in modern times has any knowledge of what their ancestors said 2000 years ago.
Do people inherit attitudes for 2000 years? I tend to doubt that.

God thought Jesus belonged on the cross, that is why he was there. It was his prophesied destiny.
You must not have read the Book.
As Superchicken often was wont to tell Fred the Lion, "He knew the job was dangerous when he took it".
Pilot? Poncho Pilot?
I do not think any forefathers of modern Democrats ever told "Pilot" anything. Certainly no one in modern times has any knowledge of what their ancestors said 2000 years ago.
Evolutionists don't believe Jesus existed but they do believe they inherited their ability to think from animals.
Forefathers of democrats??? You're really desperate now.
They should have killed the lot of them.
God did not kill the ungodly who turned Jesus over to Pilate to be killed and God will not judge modern democrats for their hateful crimes against their fellow citizens unti He is ready.
Evolutionists don't believe Jesus existed but they do believe they inherited their ability to think from animals.
This evolutionist sees no reason to believe he existed bearing in mind every other ridiculous fable in the Bible has been proven a lie it impossible. There's no reason to believe his story is any different.
I also believe, as usual, you have no evidence he did exist. All you have is faith and that equates to nothing.

As for our evolution from primates, that's a proven fact and it doesn't matter if your embarrassed or you don't believe it.
Our ability to think was not a gift from any god but evolution in progress. In your case, because you believe there's a god, quite clearly you have inherited your thinking capacity from a primate. Not even monkeys believe there's a god.

It's about now you wished you hadn't butted in. I'm not. Do it again.
God did not kill the ungodly who turned Jesus over to Pilate to be killed and God will not judge modern democrats for their hateful crimes against their fellow citizens unti He is ready.
you better hope he doesn't judge you for your hate and lies