Clearcut dirty Democrat scheme to rig the 2024 election

That must mean the temple will be rebuilt before the end of this age.

Daniel 9:25
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
When did "this age" begin? When does it end?

I don't think that they will bother to build a wall around Jerusalem. Modern weapons and drones make walled cities rather useless.

There are these silly fools in Texas who have succeeded in breeding a supply of totally red heifers to sacrifice when the altar of the Third Temple is consecrated. The main problem is that the only place to put the Temple is already occupied by the Muslim Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque.

It is rather clear that the Temple that John the Divine (whoever he was) was referring to was the second Temple, built by Herod. It was not destroyed until the Romans wrecked it in 70 CE.

John the Divine and John of Patmos was the author of the Book of Revelation. He died of old age in 98 CE, they say.
He was sent into exile on the Greek Isle of Patmos, off the coast of what is now Turkey.
When did "this age" begin? When does it end?

I don't think that they will bother to build a wall around Jerusalem. Modern weapons and drones make walled cities rather useless.

There are these silly fools in Texas who have succeeded in breeding a supply of totally red heifers to sacrifice when the altar of the Third Temple is consecrated. The main problem is that the only place to put the Temple is already occupied by the Muslim Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque.

It is rather clear that the Temple that John the Divine (whoever he was) was referring to was the second Temple, built by Herod. It was not destroyed until the Romans wrecked it in 70 CE.

John the Divine and John of Patmos was the author of the Book of Revelation. He died of old age in 98 CE, they say.
He was sent into exile on the Greek Isle of Patmos, off the coast of what is now Turkey.
This is the shit these idiots had bashed into them by their parents. Not a brain amongst the bloody lot of them.