Clearcut dirty Democrat scheme to rig the 2024 election

Trump said he was going to put Hillary in prison.
He did not do this.
He could not indict her, he could not try her, he did not convict her.

Trump is a blowhard ignoramus that lies about everything.
There is no Temple and has not been one for slightly less than 2000 years. There is no altar, and I cannot imagine why anyone would bother to sacrifice a pig over this.

Is there a commandment against sacrificing pigs?
Is eating a BLT sandwich a sin?
Is it a sin to eat a pork chop, a ham sandwich, a Cuban Sandwich, which has both ham and pork in it?

To build a Third Temple, it would be necessary to destroy the Dome of the Rock AND the Al Aqsa Mosque. That sounds like a very unlikely thing to happen, and then to bother to do it just to fulfill some wacko rant in the Book of Revelation, that is unproductive n the extreme.

Grace to You Resources

The Abomination of Desolation​

The following is an excerpt from The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Matthew 24.
Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand). (Matthew 24:15)
During the end times, the Antichrist will head a confederacy of ten European nations that will generally correspond to the territory of the ancient Roman empire (see Dan. 7:24; cf.2:40–43), and he will at first pretend to be Israel’s deliverer from her enemies, and she will make an alliance with him (9:27). But after he is victorious over the nations from the south, north, and east who have come against Israel, he will reveal his true evil character and his hatred for Israel and for God (Dan. 11:40–45). It is while occupying Israel under the guise of being her protector that the Antichrist will commit the abomination of desolation.
Bdelugma (abomination) denotes an object of disgust, repulsion, and abhorrence. In Scripture it is used primarily to denote things associated with idolatry and gross ungodliness. The Hebrew equivalent was often used of rites and paraphernalia associated with the wicked conduct of pagan religions. In the book of Revelation it is used to represent the immoralities and spiritual uncleanness of the false religious system known as “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots” (17:4–5). In the new heaven and new earth there will be “nothing unclean and no one who practices abominations and lying” (21:27).
The abomination of desolation may be translated, “the abomination which makes desolate, or lays waste.” In other words, the abomination causes the desolation.
The prophet Daniel referred to the abomination of desolation three times (9:27; 11:31; 12:11). Virtually every Bible scholar, no matter what his views on eschatology, identifies that abomination as the sacrilege committed by Antiochus IV, the Syrian king who ruled Palestine from 175–165 b.c. as a surrogate of the Greek empire. He took to himself the title Theos Epiphanes, which means “manifest god,” but his enemies nicknamed him Epimanes, which means “madman” or “the insane one.” Ironically, when he died in 163, he was totally insane, outraged to the point of madness because of his military defeats by the Jewish rebel Judas Maccabaeus. The text of Daniel 11:21–35 perfectly describes the rule of Antiochus, who gained his throne “by intrigue” (v. 21), made numerous excursions into Egypt (vv. 24–27), broke his covenant with Israel (v. 28), and desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem (v. 31).

Grace to You Resources

The Abomination of Desolation​

The following is an excerpt from The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Matthew 24.
Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand). (Matthew 24:15)
During the end times, the Antichrist will head a confederacy of ten European nations that will generally correspond to the territory of the ancient Roman empire (see Dan. 7:24; cf.2:40–43), and he will at first pretend to be Israel’s deliverer from her enemies, and she will make an alliance with him (9:27). But after he is victorious over the nations from the south, north, and east who have come against Israel, he will reveal his true evil character and his hatred for Israel and for God (Dan. 11:40–45). It is while occupying Israel under the guise of being her protector that the Antichrist will commit the abomination of desolation.
Bdelugma (abomination) denotes an object of disgust, repulsion, and abhorrence. In Scripture it is used primarily to denote things associated with idolatry and gross ungodliness. The Hebrew equivalent was often used of rites and paraphernalia associated with the wicked conduct of pagan religions. In the book of Revelation it is used to represent the immoralities and spiritual uncleanness of the false religious system known as “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots” (17:4–5). In the new heaven and new earth there will be “nothing unclean and no one who practices abominations and lying” (21:27).
The abomination of desolation may be translated, “the abomination which makes desolate, or lays waste.” In other words, the abomination causes the desolation.
The prophet Daniel referred to the abomination of desolation three times (9:27; 11:31; 12:11). Virtually every Bible scholar, no matter what his views on eschatology, identifies that abomination as the sacrilege committed by Antiochus IV, the Syrian king who ruled Palestine from 175–165 b.c. as a surrogate of the Greek empire. He took to himself the title Theos Epiphanes, which means “manifest god,” but his enemies nicknamed him Epimanes, which means “madman” or “the insane one.” Ironically, when he died in 163, he was totally insane, outraged to the point of madness because of his military defeats by the Jewish rebel Judas Maccabaeus. The text of Daniel 11:21–35 perfectly describes the rule of Antiochus, who gained his throne “by intrigue” (v. 21), made numerous excursions into Egypt (vv. 24–27), broke his covenant with Israel (v. 28), and desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem (v. 31).
Not this god shyt again.
You're like a cracked record.