Democrat criminalization of Christianity

Crimes worthy of the death penalty where the death penalty is not an option is an area lacking proper punishments for serious crimes worthy of death.

prove that would reduce the crime rate then.
and of course you dont care if innocent people are executed. some "christian" you are.
prove that would reduce the crime rate then.
and of course you dont care if innocent people are executed. some "christian" you are.
Here is what leftists believe but cannot prove:

Research on crime deterrence shows that increasing punishment severity does little to prevent crime. This is partly because criminals seldom know the legal sanctions for specific crimes. Increasing the chance of being caught is a more effective deterrent.

That is why leftists advocate doing away with the police and jails, exept when necessary to arrest and imprison opponents of abortion and voting fraud.
Here is what leftists believe but cannot prove:

Research on crime deterrence shows that increasing punishment severity does little to prevent crime. This is partly because criminals seldom know the legal sanctions for specific crimes. Increasing the chance of being caught is a more effective deterrent.

That is why leftists advocate doing away with the police and jails, exept when necessary to arrest and imprison opponents of abortion and voting fraud.
When did democrats want to do away with jails and police.
Here is what leftists believe but cannot prove:

Research on crime deterrence shows that increasing punishment severity does little to prevent crime. This is partly because criminals seldom know the legal sanctions for specific crimes. Increasing the chance of being caught is a more effective deterrent.

That is why leftists advocate doing away with the police and jails, exept when necessary to arrest and imprison opponents of abortion and voting fraud.
So you posted something that makes you look stupid
God you are stupid
This is a free country and people have the right to carry dumb signs. No one has proposed abolishing the police anywhere.
Gays and non-gays who commit crimes worthy of death should face the penalty of death for their crimes.
I am asking Francis:

What’s the Bible punishment for adultery? What do YOU think the penyaly for adultery should be?

What do you think the punishment for engaging in jomsexuality should be? What does your god say about that?

While you are at this please remind us what a peaceful man you are.
I accept your apology for siding with those who falsely claimed leftists are not doing what they are doing.
How stupid you are! ALL leftists do not agree on everything, neither do rightists. Almost nothing is ever 100% or 0%.
There is no serious movement to abolish the police.

It is certainly true that too many Americans are imprisoned. No country has a higher percentage of people in prison, even countries that have political prisoners.