Democrat criminalization of Christianity

Don't be silly. Of course supporting sexual immorality and perversion leads to increases in numbers of sex crimes.
dont be stupid. you make these claims and then cowardly refuse to prove them. lol.
you use words you can't even define, the sign of a true mooooron :)
Your ignorance of God and your hateful and disrespectful misrepresentation of His good character and nature causes you to wickedly blaspheme Him like a common deranged devil.
so either god is omnipotent and evil by letting innocent miscarriages happen or he's not omnipotent.
which is it?
so either god is omnipotent and evil by letting innocent miscarriages happen or he's not omnipotent.
which is it?
Your low level of understanding leaves you unable to discern why your selection of supposed alternatives is nonsense.
Your ignorance of God and your hateful and disrespectful misrepresentation of His good character and nature causes you to wickedly blaspheme Him like a common deranged devil.
It's not as if you know the character of god. Who do you think you are?
You're just another delusional godbotherer.
Nut case.
what crimes dont have "proper punishments"? how much would it lower the crime rate? lol
another vague worthless post.
Crimes worthy of the death penalty where the death penalty is not an option is an area lacking proper punishments for serious crimes worthy of death.