Democrat criminalization of Christianity

As a civil libertarian I would eliminate, decriminalize or severely modify those laws where there is no violence and no victim.

No cop should ever pull over and detain a driver for going 5 miles over the speed limit or not using a turn signal.
Weed should be legal in every state like it is in California.
No cop should be able to detain a person longer because he claims he smells something like alcohol or weed.
There should be no laws criminalizing sexual behavior of consenting adults.
Something we can agree on
Here in Miami there are a number of places where the traffic lights are poorly sequenced, and only three cars can pass legally after waiting for seven minutes or more. And the cops like to position themselves so they can give tickets to people who see a perfectly safe gap where they can pass through a red light without endangering anyone.

I agree that weed should be legal and that cops should not give tickets for situations such as I described.
Mark wants to use the laws of our country to punish people he calls "sinners".
He wants to abolish single sex marriages and all recognition of them. He wants to force women to bear and raise children they do not want. He wants to teach the Bible rather than evolution in public schools.

Mark is a religious nut.
Leftist savages do not understand that killing unborn babies by abortion is not an act of preserving the desires and pleasures of mothers and dads that does no harm to other humans.
Leftist savages do not understand that killing unborn babies by abortion is not an act of preserving the desires and pleasures of mothers and dads that does no harm to other humans.
god aborts unborn babies all the time via miscarriage.
why does god love killing unborn babies? weird
Christians th8nk laws don't apply to them like that
And no it's not a criminal offense you don't go to jail
God you are stupid lol
If leftists refuse to charge violent leftist criminals for criminal offences that does not mean that violent violations of other people's rights is not an offense to God and good people.
Who said violence? You want prison for people who have committed crimes where there is not even a victim.
Most crimes do have victims even though criminals often desperately claim nobody was victimized by their crime.
You listed 3 bible quotes condemning homosexuality. Do not lie. If your imaginary sky dad condemns a behavior you at least want prison for those who practice that if not even death.
I have said nothing about proper penalties for perverse behaviors.
There is no way you bible nuts would allow freedom of religion if you had your way. You certainly want prison for people who smoke weed.
The legalization of weed has attributed to increases in injuries related to mind-altering drug influences.
As a civil libertarian I would eliminate, decriminalize or severely modify those laws where there is no violence and no victim.

No cop should ever pull over and detain a driver for going 5 miles over the speed limit or not using a turn signal.
Weed should be legal in every state like it is in California.
No cop should be able to detain a person longer because he claims he smells something like alcohol or weed.
There should be no laws criminalizing sexual behavior of consenting adults.
Lefties oppose police forces and arrests, no matter how stupid and harmful such policies are.
god aborts unborn babies all the time via miscarriage.
why does god love killing unborn babies? weird
Even if you blame all human deaths on God instead of on Darwin and his mythological powers and forces, that still has nothing to do with the sin of humans murdering humans.
Most crimes do have victims even though criminals often desperately claim nobody was victimized by their crime.

I have said nothing about proper penalties for perverse behaviors.

The legalization of weed has attributed to increases in injuries related to mind-altering drug influences.

"Proper penalties"

So execute gays then?
Even if you blame all human deaths on God instead of on Darwin and his mythological powers and forces, that still has nothing to do with the sin of humans murdering humans.
I blame God for miscarriages because supposedly he is unippetent and could stop it you certainly can't claim it's free will by babies to choose to be miscarried but maybe your God doesn't actually care or maybe God loves women suffering
I blame God for miscarriages because supposedly he is unippetent and could stop it you certainly can't claim it's free will by babies to choose to be miscarried but maybe your God doesn't actually care or maybe God loves women suffering
, You mean unrepentant. Every plague, every disease, every deformity was created by this Biblical "God" character.
Leftist savages do not understand that killing unborn babies by abortion is not an act of preserving the desires and pleasures of mothers and dads that does no harm to other humans.
How are you harmed by a mother in Chicago get an abortion? It's none of your business.