cowardly trump didn't testify

Prove its illegal big mouth.

He didn't chose not to. His minders knew he would destroy there case and abuse the judge etc. His lawyers stopped him.

Rubbish and very poor excuse. The prosecution were waiting to tear him to pieces and would pay money to make him take the stand.

Why is it your business to suggest the prosecution and democrats or anyone else were involved in stopping. That's a childish claim.
The case of Trump is everybody's business. If the bastard gets elected, is that not everyone's business?
You're not real smart ducky.
Democrats have their reasons for convicting President Trump of crimes that he did not commit because the crimes did not even exist, just as democrats have their reasons for protecting democrats from prosecution for their real crimes.
He is a coward
Shoots his big mouth all the time when the cameras are on him and he can lie all he wants... the threat of perjury and he becomes a pussy lol
I don't think Trump is hated of God like he is hated of democrats and I don't think God loves lying godless democrats like they love themselves.
Gag orders are 100% legal and necessary to the system.
Trump whined that he was unable to express his version of what happened.
But Trump claimed that he never had any sexual contact with Stormy Daniels.

The purpose of a trial is to reveal the truth, so obviously, the prosecution should be permitted to attempt to catch him in a lie.

The prosecutor is smarter than Trump, of course, and Trump is not at all a good liar. He is a FREQUENT liar, but he is not good at telling convincing lies. Plus, he believes that reality is whatever he says it is.

The prosecutor would have torn him a new one, right through his diaper. R-I-P!
It would have been very amusing to watch.

It well could have become a new "Who's on first?" dialogue
The rabid wolfpack hired by Soros and anti-Americans on the left would love to tear new ones in every patriotic American opponent of democrat crimes and corruption in the US.
Democrats have their reasons for convicting President Trump of crimes that he did not commit because the crimes did not even exist, just as democrats have their reasons for protecting democrats from prosecution for their real crimes.
In Trump's press conference today from Trump tower, he openly stated his lawyers advised him not to testify.
Check it yourself idiot.

As for the crimes didn't exist? Are you mad? Do you they fabricated all those and every person who was involved with the prosecution and defence teams never said a word about it?
That's what your saying.
You a building frustration each day. Settle down old man. We haven't finished with you yet. At least stay alive until November.
The whore Trump committed fornication with long before he was elected president could not save him in a bent kangaroo bubagoo commie court any more than a voluptuous aide with semen on her dress could save Clinton from lying about his sexual sins in the oval office.
The point is as you have so conveniently ignored, is trump fraudulently hid the payment in his books as legal services. All his famous friends dumped him in the shut when Merchan read them the riot act. Are they all liars too?
Grow up.
In Trump's press conference today from Trump tower, he openly stated his lawyers advised him not to testify.
Check it yourself idiot.
That sounds plausible and normal and the fact that the democrats don't see that is because they are not normal. They are sick.
The point is as you have so conveniently ignored, is trump fraudulently hid the payment in his books as legal services. All his famous friends dumped him in the shut when Merchan read them the riot act. Are they all liars too?
Grow up.
None of what President Trump did with his bookkeeping was criminal. Soros' political assassins turned a misdemeanor crime he was not guilty of and had nevr been charged with before the statute of limitations had expired into a federal offense he definitely was not guilty of and that Bragg had no legal justification for bringing. Democrats are sick.
The whore Trump committed fornication with long before he was elected president could not save him in a bent kangaroo bubagoo commie court any more than a voluptuous aide with semen on her dress could save Clinton from lying about his sexual sins in the oval office.

i have a feeling your day job is writing porn. lol
I'd be surprised if you had feelings below your neck.

I'm suck of mark continually suggesting everything is corrupt. He drones on about it every day. Never stops.
It's blatant lies and he cannot adjust to trump being a POS.

The only support Trump has now is from the elastic in his diaper. If it did increase it shows what a bunch of ratbag idiotic republicans are to support the proven thief and liar.
If that was Joe Biden would you be saying his support has increased? Of course not. What a ridiculous claim.

where did you get this info from? The Gutter Media or in your own head. You don't see the corruption in this gov't right now?? The lawfare, the intent to destroy this nation, the corrupt alphabet agencies acting like arms of the democrat party. If you don't see this, then you are either one of those people whom the god of this world has shut your eyes or you are just as corrupt and you like this perversion of lies and wickedness. You don't know why you hate Trump, you've no good reason...and you refuse to see what the biden regime and the democrats have become. I pity you.
President Trump has raised 53 million in less than two days. Over 1/3 of that is from new donors. And many of those donors are former supporters of your party. You had better wake up and smell the coffee, bud.
you guys SEEMINGLY won yesterday and you're still SO Angry. Why is that I wonder?? Is it because you know you didn't REALLY win because the judge was obviously corrupt and he through the constitution out the window? AND Trump support is growing? Maybe your lawfare against a former successful legitimate president wasn't such a good idea after all.