cowardly trump didn't testify

Eleven of the felonies is for receiving an invoice in the mail...which Trump has no control over but Cohen received them. It's like one of you guy getting your water bill in the do have water don't you?? and you pay for it?? That's what it is like. Most of the time liberal males have no clue about real world stuff...paying bills, marriage, family..WORKING.

Tribal barbarian leftists celebrated Trump's unjust guilty verdict engineered by Soros crooks in a bent court, tribal barian mobs celebrated when O.J. escaped justice for his cold-blooded murders of two white people.
You enjoy looking like a mindless right wing ***** lol
Eleven of the felonies is for receiving an invoice in the mail...which Trump has no control over but Cohen received them. It's like one of you guy getting your water bill in the do have water don't you?? and you pay for it?? That's what it is like. Most of the time liberal males have no clue about real world stuff...paying bills, marriage, family..WORKING.

Except my water bill isn't part of an attempt to circumvent federal laws ***** lol

His fraud had nothing to do with normal life, as hard as you morons try to excuse his felonies lol

Well it's part of normal life for right wing thugs apparently
If Biden was to be given the same political perversion of injustice as Trump was given then he would go to jail for the rest of the weeks of his deteriorating life.
What proven political perversion? It's always the same outrageous claims but no evidence.
Trump never had the guts to ignore his minders and testify as he said he would. He was not blocked by the system or democrats. It was his counsels advice and you know it.
But as usual it's a Democrat conspiracy.
IN any real democracy, Hillary would have won. She is smarter, she is more honest and nicer in every way that stinky Trump
How sad that the power of the fraudulent vote, though strong, was not strong enough to secure the wicked witch's win over President Trump's massive popularity. Democrats redoubled their efforts to ensure they did not make the same mistake again in 2020.
Except my water bill isn't part of an attempt to circumvent federal laws ***** lol

His fraud had nothing to do with normal life, as hard as you morons try to excuse his felonies lol

Well it's part of normal life for right wing thugs apparently
Trump was arrested by Soros operatives on boosted up expired misdemeanor charges as though he was guilty of violating campaign finance laws like democrats who spent campaign funds to hire crooks, Russian spies, and liars to cook up the fake Russian collusion ocpnspiacy theory that fooled so many gullible Americans for so many years.
What proven political perversion? It's always the same outrageous claims but no evidence.
Trump never had the guts to ignore his minders and testify as he said he would. He was not blocked by the system or democrats. It was his counsels advice and you know it.
But as usual it's a Democrat conspiracy.
He broke no campaign finance laws and the jurors would have known that if the Soros-connected leftist democrat judge had not unjustly blocked campaign finance experts from testifying on Trump's behalf.
Trump was arrested by Soros operatives on boosted up expired misdemeanor charges as though he was guilty of violating campaign finance laws like democrats who spent campaign funds to hire crooks, Russian spies, and liars to cook up the fake Russian collusion ocpnspiacy theory that fooled so many gullible Americans for so many years.
You enjoy looking like a mindless right wing ***** lol
He broke no campaign finance laws and the jurors would have known that if the Soros-connected leftist democrat judge had not unjustly blocked campaign finance experts from testifying on Trump's behalf.
He did break the law and no experts were needed to prove otherwise. The paperwork and copies of checks were present and no one could deny it.
You're making pathetic excuses with no evidence of anything.
How sad that the power of the fraudulent vote, though strong, was not strong enough to secure the wicked witch's win over President Trump's massive popularity. Democrats redoubled their efforts to ensure they did not make the same mistake again in 2020.
In fact, Hilary received more votes than Trump. He hasn't received the majority in any election he has faced. Not once.
Check that out.
He did break the law and no experts were needed to prove otherwise. The paperwork and copies of checks were present and no one could deny it.
You're making pathetic excuses with no evidence of anything.
No, Trump did not break the law, according to the foremost campaign finance expert in the country (the expert the demmy judge refused to allow to testify on Trump's behalf because the corrupt judge knew the expert would blow his banana boat case to bits.)

The Western Journal


FEC Expert Witness Whose Testimony Merchan Denied Discloses What He Would Have Said in Trump Trial​

Former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley Smith has revealed the testimony he would have given in former President Donald Trump's so-called "hush money" trial, had Judge Juan Merchan allowed it.

Smith was to testify for the defense earlier this week in the case brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, but Trump's attorneys decided to pull him when Merchan denied him the opportunity to address a question at the core of the case: Was the payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels a campaign contribution?