Citizens sign petition to ban American Flag

The Race Card Is a Joker

Political Correctness is a dead language. When anyone says "racism, sexism, homophobia," he might as well be speaking Latin.

Here in the UK political correctness is still alive and well and people, politicians especially get very nervous whenever they think they might be judged to of offended a certain section of the population.
Here in the UK political correctness is still alive and well and people, politicians especially get very nervous whenever they think they might be judged to of offended a certain section of the population.
politicians around here, in the US, care, too... if its the wealthy and powerful they offended. They don't care about offending anyone else, though. After Bush lost the popular vote, but won the election politicians realized it doesn't matter who they offend, as long as the right people like them.
"The Rich Create Jobs" Is As Dumb As Saying That Vampires Create Blood

"Government" schools? You really have to be dumbed-down to think that. They are designed to provide the plutocracy with stupid, passive, obedient, and intimidated employees who will accept low wages and think the owners created their jobs.
"...dumbed down" to believe what? I don't understand how referring to government schools can be construed as being "dumbed down."
Here in the UK political correctness is still alive and well and people, politicians especially get very nervous whenever they think they might be judged to have offended a certain section of the population.
Islam Must Be Incinerated, Not Invited

You can thank the lying phony Right Wing pigs at British Petroleum for that. Those traitors appease Islam by taking in Muslime immigrants as part of contracts to drill the oil over there. Islam is the enemy, so patriotic governments must take all its oil.

We have to shake off this idea that touchy-feely "Left Wing" multiculties are behind this invasion of sleeper cells. The ruling class of thieves and traitors is united and must be taken down in its entirety. Only the majority have the right to make laws and it is our duty to attack the immigrant invaders and, if necessary, the rulers' goons sent to protect our natural enemies. The police and Army will probably stand for the British people against the transnationalist lawmakers anyway.
"...dumbed down" to believe what? I don't understand how referring to government schools can be construed as being "dumbed down."
Pity Party for Powerful Plutocratic Parasites

Do you think that if Big Business really opposed this dysfunctional education that they'd be powerless to change it? Dumbed-down means believing anything you're told to believe by anybody, without bothering to question its logic.
This flag issue is just going too far. I don't understand why now. These flags have not been that big of an issue until someone decided that hey, we aren't fighting anything right now, let's go after the rebel flag because someone decided to display it when they committed a crime, and it was the flag of the south during slavery. Come on. This is crazy. I'm African American and quite frankly, I'm not getting all up in arms over a flag.
This flag issue is just going too far. I don't understand why now. These flags have not been that big of an issue until someone decided that hey, we aren't fighting anything right now, let's go after the rebel flag because someone decided to display it when they committed a crime, and it was the flag of the south during slavery. Come on. This is crazy. I'm African American and quite frankly, I'm not getting all up in arms over a flag.
There is a strange obsession with people possibly taking offense at something.
I find it akin to my dog deciding nothing will do but for her to be let out into the yard when I sit down to eat and don't offer her some food.
Dogs are kind of stuck in an adolescent state so being childish us to be expected. People need to grow up.
Banning the American flag is mere symbolism. Banning it and even replacing it with another wouldn't eliminate racism which has been inculcated into the psyches of generations of Americans. I propose that what is needed is a paradigm shift in thought patterns and ability to reason in three dimensions. The law written in the heart reigns supreme.
I agree about the Confederate flag, to my knowledge, that flag didn't shoot anyone! Actually, I would say that most racism, or whatever people want to call it, has been carried out under a different flag altogether. Remember the fact that slaves were rounded up by their own tribesmen and sold to foreigners! I wonder how many people know, or will believe that the 1st. slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson!

I heard this argument from right wingers before. Yes, there is some truth to it. However, the fact remains that slavery was incredibly color based. Also, after slavery ended of course, the color based discrimination continued under Jim Crow.

Of course, this situation wouldn't apply to Rome where slavery wasn't color based, but rather nationality based. For example, look at the hate between Koreans and Japanese, yet to most westerners they look the same. Same thing would have been true in the past between the English and the French.

Well, the Romans had some slaves that were of thier own nationality, but it was obviously easier to enslave those caught in warfare etc..
Banning the American flag is mere symbolism. Banning it and even replacing it with another wouldn't eliminate racism which has been inculcated into the psyches of generations of Americans. I propose that what is needed is a paradigm shift in thought patterns and ability to reason in three dimensions. The law written in the heart reigns supreme.

Beyond the first sentence or two you seem to have devolved into some rather strange gibberish.
"Media analyst Mark Dice’s latest stunt illustrates the stunning level of ignorance surrounding the issue and how easily led Americans are when told to support anything in the name of putting a stop to racism.

Although some refused to sign, when told that Old Glory has a history of “imperialism and racism,” numerous San Diegans agreed, with one man commenting, “It sounds like a great idea.” "
Link don't work.