Well-Known Member
She called the tactics used UnAmerican...not anyone who does not agree. Those who shout down anyone trying to debate so no one can actuly have a discussion of the issues...are trying to say no you dont have hte right to debate and talk, we will stop that...and that is Unamerican to think that people should not have the right to a honest debate about the issue. I think idiots on the left who come in screaming and trying to dirsupt are also the same...and the Right use to cry about them...till it was them doing it.
I think it would be great if both sides were civil to eachother. Its hard to start now with so much bad history over the last 8 years.
Why do you figure she never said anything over the last 8 years about being civil when the left were clearly out of control? Why is it all the sudden imporant do you figure?
Do you disagree that she was saying people going to these town halls were carrying/wearing swastikas and symbols like that?