CBS anchor obliterates Harris' proposed leftist price control measures for the failed Marxist policies that they are

You are not an honest debator. You are basically a troll. If my answer displeases you you would not engage. You would simply attack savages and leftist murderers.

But I offer you this: are you willing to allow termination of any pregnancy? Any age, any size, any circumstances such rape or incest. Once you answer an engage I will give you my answer.
I believe legitimate medical procedures involved the unchallenged terminations of babies in the womb for medical reasons long before Roe v Wade. I have no problem with those legitimate but disheartening decisions.
Trump more than once promised he will have a replacement for Obamacare. One time he said in two weeks. He never did. Just recently he said in a week or so he will give his comprehensive position on abortion. He did not. He said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and people would not believe what they have found on Obama’s birth. He never revealed the findings and there is no indication he sent investigators there.

Yes all positions lie to some degree. But Trump in in the kesugue of his own. Like thousands of times worse others.

And it takes a special Trump enthusiast to point to other politicians lying.
I don't support universal government healthcare no matter who proposes it, including Trump.
You are asking me or asking Francis?

I have given and defended plenty of opinions. Here is one: a pea sized fetus is not a human being.
Human life begins at conception. The developing baby is alive, has its own DNA, its own brain, its own heart, and so forth.
Since she didn't it won't be a problem she didn't force anyone to do anything
It's called free will
Just like God allows free will
You should therefore accuse God of murder too
Legalizing murder like Hitler did made Hitler guilty of the murder of millions of Jews, just like promoters of infanticide in the US are guilty of the mass murder of infants.
Legalizing murder like Hitler did made Hitler guilty of the murder of millions of Jews, just like promoters of infanticide in the US are guilty of the mass murder of infants.
Nope free will Just like God has given us
I guess God is guilty of murder according to your claims
Why do you hate God? Lol
I believe legitimate medical procedures involved the unchallenged terminations of babies in the womb for medical reasons long before Roe v Wade. I have no problem with those legitimate but disheartening decisions.
So to be clear: you want the following illegal, right?

1. For victim of rape
2. For victim of incest
3. Abortion on demand when the fetus is the size of a pea.
So to be clear: you want the following illegal, right?

1. For victim of rape
2. For victim of incest
3. Abortion on demand when the fetus is the size of a pea.
There is no justification for taking the life of an unborn baby except in medical emergencies.
Trump more than once promised he will have a replacement for Obamacare. One time he said in two weeks. He never did. Just recently he said in a week or so he will give his comprehensive position on abortion. He did not. He said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and people would not believe what they have found on Obama’s birth. He never revealed the findings and there is no indication he sent investigators there.
For the record, I do not support government healthcare except in rare instances where charity is the only option. I do not support taxpayer-funded universal government healthcare, and I don't care if Trump supports it or not. I am not surprised that Trump's healthcare plan was unworkable and made him either silly or a liar if his plan was tax-payer funded universal care.
Yes all positions lie to some degree. But Trump in in the kesugue of his own. Like thousands of times worse others.
You are too hard on Trump for lying when he has proven he is more trustworthy that many leading democratds who lie all the time.
And it takes a special Trump enthusiast to point to other politicians lying.
If you demonize Trump for lying while pretending democrats don't lie then you are lying.
Trump more than once promised he will have a replacement for Obamacare. One time he said in two weeks. He never did. Just recently he said in a week or so he will give his comprehensive position on abortion. He did not. He said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and people would not believe what they have found on Obama’s birth. He never revealed the findings and there is no indication he sent investigators there.

Yes all positions lie to some degree. But Trump in in the kesugue of his own. Like thousands of times worse others.

And it takes a special Trump enthusiast to point to other politicians lying.

Nobody can be a worse liar than Joe Biden. I'm 65 years old and have been following politics all my life and majored in it in college. Biden's lies are far worse. He cannot talk about his dead son without lying. He claims what Trump said after Charlotteville was the only reason he ran for president and lied about what Trump said. These are big lies told over and over again on the biggest stage.

Trump position on abortion? He has said he is a pro life and nominated 3 pro life judges to the supreme court. He has never ever said anything about a national ban it is just democrats lying.
There is no justification for taking the life of an unborn baby except in medical emergencies.
For someone who often speaks for the almighty you cannot give a direct answer (basically imo you are not an honest debator) but I accept/assume that you want to make all those illegal.

Now you asked what standard I would use to decide when abortion should be legal and when not. Here are some:

1. Realize that we do not necessarily need a very clear standard. Take the original 55 mph speed limit. We knew choosing say 90 mph would be dangerous. We also knew choosing say 25 mph though would save more lives but would create other problems. So 55 was chosen. It was a somewhat arbitrary number but it does not mean it was irrational. Same for abortion. We may choose 15 weeks or even 24 weeks as a cutoff point.

2. We know the woman is a human being. We know the fetus is a future human being and we know the further along the fetus resembles more to that future human being. We could try to balance the two and say if the woman is the victim of rape or incest she should normally be able to abort until say 24 weeks. Again somewhat arbitrary but not irrational.

3. We could say up until birth the fetus is not a human being because it does not have the independence needed to be a human being or that the woman cannot be compelled to house another entity in her body. Now that is very logical and precise cutoff point.

4. And here something for the other poster who claimed I do not ever give my opinion: consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy and even consent to pregnancy is not consent to maintaining that pregnancy or bringing it to term. Lack of consent on the part of the woman imo is crucial here.

5. We could use other humane and rational criteria: for example when the fetus feels pain. We can trust the medical field to tell us about that. Question: can the fetus be given pain medication so it would not feel pain?

So you are perhaps partly right that a precise point to decide between legal and illegal abortion might not be there in most cases but it does not mean the same is irrational.

The problem with your position is that you give zero weight to the humanity and independence of the woman. Your position in my opinion is irrational. Even if we stipule that even a pea sized fetus is a human bring with full rights equal to the woman at tte very least you should balance the right of both against each other but you do not. And depending on your religion imo is most irrational or at very least problematic since others might not share those religious views.
For the record, I do not support government healthcare except in rare instances where charity is the only option. I do not support taxpayer-funded universal government healthcare, and I don't care if Trump supports it or not. I am not surprised that Trump's healthcare plan was unworkable and made him either silly or a liar if his plan was tax-payer funded universal care.

You are too hard on Trump for lying when he has proven he is more trustworthy that many leading democratds who lie all the time.

If you demonize Trump for lying while pretending democrats don't lie then you are lying.
1. Trump did not have any plan. he lied. Repeatedly.

2. I have clearly admitted all politicians lie. But Trump is an outlier. You hide behind the all sides claim in order to dishonestly not address the extent to which Trump lies.

3. It has not been proven that Trump is more trustworthy. You just say anything without any evidence if you thought it would help you at the time. You are not an honest debater. .
Trump's exact comments about Charlottesville in that press conference.

I'm not talking about the neo Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.

That is his quote right there in that press conference in that video. So clearly he was not saying they were good people. So the entire democrat party and their allies in the media have been lying

This was the center piece of a president's speech at a democrat convention. Joe Biden's lie that he only ran for president because Trump called white supremacists good people.

What man lies about his dead son? Lies that his son who died from cancer died in Iraq?