CBS anchor obliterates Harris' proposed leftist price control measures for the failed Marxist policies that they are

Corporate greed is when the CEO makes $17 million and the workers have to make do with whatever pittance the CEOs will pay them. Corporate greed is when unions are not allowed to organize.
Corporate greed is when the CEO makes $17 million and the workers have to make do with whatever pittance the CEOs will pay them. Corporate greed is when unions are not allowed to organize.
Corporate greed is when the CEO makes $17 million and the workers have to make do with whatever pittance the CEOs will pay them. Corporate greed is when unions are not allowed to organize.
If making millions is a sin then we have many American businesspeople, politicians, movie stars, sports figures and more who are wicked.
Democrats are behind her? Who did you expect to support her? Republicans?

And who are these puppet masters you all bellow about. Name them and show the evidence.

🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣 I know exactly what she will do! Mark my word! Bitter Boris Butt!
You know what she'll do?
Really? I'd be surprised if you knew what day it is.
You know fuck all.
If making millions is a sin then we have many American businesspeople, politicians, movie stars, sports figures and more who are wicked.
There is a difference between capitalists, no comparison better than that between Milton Snavely Hershey and Franklin Clarence Mars. Hershey was a charitable man who cared for his fellow man. Mars was a mean greedy miser who refused to bring candy home to his children, because he said "there wasn't enough".
There is a difference between capitalists, no comparison better than that between Milton Snavely Hershey and Franklin Clarence Mars. Hershey was a charitable man who cared for his fellow man. Mars was a mean greedy miser who refused to bring candy home to his children, because he said "there wasn't enough".
I prefer comparing Ronald Reagan with Joseph Stalin.
What is corporate greed, considering that the incomes of so many millions of middle and lower class Americans have incomes that are affected by the success or failure of corporations?
That's irrelevant. The point is you never read the article. You proved yourself wrong. Get over it.
??? Harris is a liar! Dems screwed the party by telling you all this is the candidate. DEI

The reality of defeat and the realisation you've supported a nut is starting to show.
You rather support a philandering, sexual assaulter and whore jockey and convicted felon over a person who is squeaky clean. Don't reply saying you have evidence of otherwise because I know you don't.
trump is a liar! and a narrcistic cowardly bully whose only way to govern is by being angry.
Trump is unreasonably and unjustly hated by perverts, thugs, crooks, Marxists, racists, communists, hedonists, abortionists, and other assorted ungodly rebels against God.
Trump is unreasonably and unjustly hated by perverts, thugs, crooks, Marxists, racists, communists, hedonists, abortionists, and other assorted ungodly rebels against God.
you enjoy looking stupid. lol.
trump is an angry old cowardly narcicisst bully, his behavior proves it. lol