CBS anchor obliterates Harris' proposed leftist price control measures for the failed Marxist policies that they are

What standard do you arbitrarily use to distinguish between baseball sized fetuses and watermelon sized fetuses?
I would say NONE. You can't kill live babies once they are born, but before that, they are fair game as I see it.
It is pretty easy to tell a fetus from an actual baby.
What standard do you arbitrarily use to distinguish between baseball sized fetuses and watermelon sized fetuses?
You are not an honest debator. You are basically a troll. If my answer displeases you you would not engage. You would simply attack savages and leftist murderers.

But I offer you this: are you willing to allow termination of any pregnancy? Any age, any size, any circumstances such rape or incest. Once you answer an engage I will give you my answer.
Democrats are behind her? Who did you expect to support her? Republicans?

And who are these puppet masters you all bellow about. Name them and show the evidence.

You know what she'll do?
Really? I'd be surprised if you knew what day it is.
You know fuck all.

Do you admit that what she says is meaningless? She just lies.
The whole problem with this thread is that the policy means nothing. She will never even push for it if she becomes president. :oops:

It is just a way to shift blame from high grocery prices.

Arguing policy is a waste of time the idiot will say whatever she needs to to get elected.

Stick with things these idiots actually did like the inflation bill and opening our borders to anybody who wants to come in.
You are not an honest debator. You are basically a troll. If my answer displeases you you would not engage. You would simply attack savages and leftist murderers.

But I offer you this: are you willing to allow termination of any pregnancy? Any age, any size, any circumstances such rape or incest. Once you answer an engage I will give you my answer.

Why are you asking an abortion question on thread pertaining to price controls? That is effective debating?

And here is an idea for you. How about giving and defending an opinion instead of always asking questions and demanding proof like you are some cop. You never make a case for anything.
Stick with things these idiots actually did like the inflation bill and opening our borders to anybody who wants to come in.
Trump more than once promised he will have a replacement for Obamacare. One time he said in two weeks. He never did. Just recently he said in a week or so he will give his comprehensive position on abortion. He did not. He said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and people would not believe what they have found on Obama’s birth. He never revealed the findings and there is no indication he sent investigators there.

Yes all positions lie to some degree. But Trump in in the kesugue of his own. Like thousands of times worse others.

And it takes a special Trump enthusiast to point to other politicians lying.
Why are you asking an abortion question on thread pertaining to price controls? That is effective debating?

And here is an idea for you. How about giving and defending an opinion instead of always asking questions and demanding proof like you are some cop. You never make a case for anything.

Why are you asking an abortion question on thread pertaining to price controls? That is effective debating?

And here is an idea for you. How about giving and defending an opinion instead of always asking questions and demanding proof like you are some cop. You never make a case for anything.
You are asking me or asking Francis?

I have given and defended plenty of opinions. Here is one: a pea sized fetus is not a human being.
Claiming you had nothing to do with the execution of millions of babies in the womb is one thing. Convincing God you had nothing to do with the murders is an entirely different matter.
Since she didn't it won't be a problem she didn't force anyone to do anything
It's called free will
Just like God allows free will
You should therefore accuse God of murder too
God does not own babies, what a silly thing to say. Babies belong to their parents.
Fetuses belong to the women they inhabit.
Degenerate assumption: Slaves belong to their masters and children belong to their mothers unless the state exercises its superior authority over the mothers to do things to the kids without the parents' knowledge.
I would say NONE. You can't kill live babies once they are born, but before that, they are fair game as I see it.
It is pretty easy to tell a fetus from an actual baby.
At least 5 babies were 'aborted' (or deliberately executed as a better wording may be) after birth under Walz, so don't lie.
You are not an honest debator. You are basically a troll. If my answer displeases you you would not engage. You would simply attack savages and leftist murderers.

But I offer you this: are you willing to allow termination of any pregnancy? Any age, any size, any circumstances such rape or incest. Once you answer an engage I will give you my answer.
I see you balked at answering my question. I could have predicted that.
I would say NONE. You can't kill live babies once they are born, but before that, they are fair game as I see it.
It is pretty easy to tell a fetus from an actual baby.
What term do you prefer for post-birth abortions? "Murder?"

Human Nature

After-Birth Abortion​

The pro-choice case for infanticide.​
