CBS anchor obliterates Harris' proposed leftist price control measures for the failed Marxist policies that they are

Yes you are voting for an anti American lying cowardly narcissist bully

Harris hasn't killed any babies. You are so stupid
Hitler killed Jews just as assuredly as Kamala has executed God's unborn babies by the tens of thousands.
Hitler killed Jews just as assuredly as Kamala has executed God's unborn babies by the tens of thousands.

nope. hitler ordered jews to be killed, harris didn't order babies to be killed.

my god is there no end to your stupidity? apparently not.
nope. hitler ordered jews to be killed, harris didn't order babies to be killed.

my god is there no end to your stupidity? apparently not.
Harris has the blood of millions of executed babies on her hands even if she is too stupid to understand that fact or know why it is true.
Harris has the blood of millions of executed babies on her hands.
how so? be specific with your claim and prove it.

i expect however you to deflect or disappear or make even more stupid posts, since that is how you typically roll.

you are a disgusting anti american human.
No politician has ever killed a baby, that is false and stupid.
The Biblical character known as "God" ordered the deaths of far more babies than any politician has been accused of killing. Kill the men, kill the boys, kill the women, but save the virgins for raping purposes.
Marks' religion is seriously into genocide, femicide, homicide and infanticide.
Harris has the blood of millions of executed babies on her hands even if she is too stupid to understand that fact or know why it is true.
I think calling pea sized fetuses babies and calling terminating such pregnancies murder is not only stoopid but hateful and ignorant.
I think calling pea sized fetuses babies and calling terminating such pregnancies murder is not only stoopid but hateful and ignorant.
That's also true. But again, a woman owns her own body, and there is no reason why she should not have the power to decide fo herself whether to reproduce or not. If it's a moral issue, it is her moral issue, not society's, not the government's.

Passing laws banning abortion is like passing laws against suicide, it's just stupid.
I think calling pea sized fetuses babies and calling terminating such pregnancies murder is not only stoopid but hateful and ignorant.
You seem to have standards. What standard do you have for allowing the abortion of pea sized fetuses but not baseball sized fetuses?
That's also true. But again, a woman owns her own body, and there is no reason why she should not have the power to decide fo herself whether to reproduce or not. If it's a moral issue, it is her moral issue, not society's, not the government's.

Passing laws banning abortion is like passing laws against suicide, it's just stupid.
A mother does not own human slaves and does not own God's babies.
Claiming you had nothing to do with the execution of millions of babies in the womb is one thing. Convincing God you had nothing to do with the murders is an entirely different matter.
how would you know that? really, how? how does one go about "convincing god" to begin with? think hard before you answer. it seems you would say anything if you thought it would help you at the time.