CBS anchor obliterates Harris' proposed leftist price control measures for the failed Marxist policies that they are

How do you know he did not die because of Iraq? You must be a heartless sob that even though you had your young child die you would disparage another parent in the similar situation. SMH
If you had followed the stories carefully you would not be able to deny that Biden embellished the story with lies. The man no doubt has told tens of thousands of lies in office and yet democrats seem not to care at all.
If you had followed the stories carefully you would not be able to deny that Biden embellished the story with lies. The man no doubt has told tens of thousands of lies in office and yet democrats seem not to care at all.
I am not heartless and hateful like you to dispute a parent saying his child died as a consequence of Iraq war. Meanwhile no one is diluting how your young child died.
I see no reason to lie about the details of my son's early death.
It wasn't a lie it was one way to look at his sons death and expressing cause and effect
He believes the chemicals from Iraq killed him
Essentially his death was because of Iraq
Therefore Iraq killed him from when he was in Iraq but his body didn't latterly die within the borders of iraq
If you can't understand that you are stupid... as always
It wasn't a lie it was one way to look at his sons death and expressing cause and effect
He believes the chemicals from Iraq killed him
Essentially his death was because of Iraq
Therefore Iraq killed him from when he was in Iraq but his body didn't latterly die within the borders of iraq
If you can't understand that you are stupid... as always
Let Biden think his son's cancer was caused by burn pit smoke, a claim that cannot be proven nor disproven. Millions of democrats believe global warming causes all sorts of evils, with some claims almost certainly ridiculously untrue.
Let Biden think his son's cancer was caused by burn pit smoke, a claim that cannot be proven nor disproven. Millions of democrats believe global warming causes all sorts of evils, with some claims almost certainly ridiculously untrue.
Yes it's what he believes
It's a reasonable belief

Global warming has nothing to do with this
God you are stupid lol
At least 5 babies were 'aborted' (or deliberately executed as a better wording may be) after birth under Walz, so don't lie.
How did Walz cause this to happen? Every woman that had an abortion chose to do so, Walz was not the one who decided this.
How did Walz cause this to happen? Every woman that had an abortion chose to do so, Walz was not the one who decided this.
The lives of unborn babies are in the hands of every abortion supporter in the world whether they like that fact or not. Those who support abortion have the blood of tens of millions of aborted babies on their hands.
Yes it's what he believes
It's a reasonable belief
It is not uncommon for veterans to claim that their military service caused their health woes, even if those health issues did not emerge until decades after their service and were not experience by others who served beside them at the time.
Global warming has nothing to do with this
God you are stupid lol
Nothing about global warming medicine man tribal mythology is rational, reasonable, or accurate.
It is not uncommon for veterans to claim that their military service caused their health woes, even if those health issues did not emerge until decades after their service and were not experience by others who served beside them at the time.

Nothing about global warming medicine man tribal mythology is rational, reasonable, or accurate.

right, lots of things like chemical exposures dont surface for many years. its called "science"

but feel free to prove your claim about global warming.
but you wont
because you are a lazy lying right wing moooron :)
What is your freaking evidence that Biden lied about this?
His son died in the states with cancer
Biden said Iraq killed him in the sense that exposure to chemicals resulted in a fatal brain cancer later
Might well be true
If you had followed the stories carefully you would not be able to deny that Biden embellished the story with lies. The man no doubt has told tens of thousands of lies in office and yet democrats seem not to care at all.
The only time price controls are valid are in natural disasters and war
Let Biden think his son's cancer was caused by burn pit smoke, a claim that cannot be proven nor disproven. Millions of democrats believe global warming causes all sorts of evils, with some claims almost certainly ridiculously untrue.
You contradicting yourself in one paragraph notwithstanding, you say Biden claim about his son cannot be disproven yet you do not have the humanity and the compassion not to challenge a parent who has lot his son. Shame!
right, lots of things like chemical exposures dont surface for many years. its called "science"

but feel free to prove your claim about global warming.
but you wont
because you are a lazy lying right wing moooron :)
Global warming claims are mostly hoaxes.
You contradicting yourself in one paragraph notwithstanding, you say Biden claim about his son cannot be disproven yet you do not have the humanity and the compassion not to challenge a parent who has lot his son. Shame!
Let Biden join others who falsely claim with scant evidence that their relatives were injured by war. There are no doubt thousands of false claims made for impure reasons.