Capitalism worked

Andy, you have convinced me, I'm going to vote for McCain.

(hey wait a minute, I can't vote)

Well, it's kinda like a cause and effect deal. You cause us to think you are a walking billboard for Obama by singing his praises and supporting his "recitation of auto owners manual" national policy, therefore the effect is that you are treated and responded too like a supporter of Obama.

Maybe if you avoided commenting on specific candidates running for office that you can't vote on, then perhaps we wouldn't respond with how stupid that candidate is, or the policies he supports. It's a very simple thing if you wish to avoid this topic.
Well Andy, maybe I was lying a little bit too. Maybe they just tested that tire and they meant that all his tires were probably underinflated. But even so, there's no way that even 4 tires underinflated by 4 pounds would lower mileage by 8%.

You can settle this once and for all by producing the evidence from the people who know all about these things. Actually I think it was on CNN.
Yeah Andy, they must have been lying to me and you must be right. Inflating tires to their proper pressure is not going to help one bit.

Ah yes, the red herring. Another sign of a failed argument. Please located in the above text, where I said "Inflating tires to their proper pressure is not going to help one bit.".

In fact I specifically said it would improve milage by about 3.3%, which according to those in the industry, is the case.
Andy wrote: [I had a car in college that got a leaking rim, and was constantly under inflated. My milage did drop, but not by that much. I'm more inclined to believe the people who claimed 3.3%. That would be far more realistic.[/quote]

No, now you have convinced me it doesn't make any difference and 3.3% is even too much. Obama is simplly lying to the American people.

I'll see if I can catch it on CNN again to see how much of a lie they told.
Do you think this was a last minute thing said in a speech or he actually planned it?

I don't think he planned it, just sounded like good hyperbole and he gets plenty of cover for saying stupid things.... While McCain gets blasted for every error.

Obama said. "I said, 'You know what? You can inflate your tires to the proper levels and that if everybody in America inflated their tires to the proper level, we would actually probably save more oil than all the oil we'd get from John McCain drilling right below his feet there, or wherever he was going to drill.'"

(Note: that's not accurate, as we fact-checked last week. But the larger point about energy savings is correct.) ABC
I don't think he planned it, just sounded like good hyperbole and he gets plenty of cover for saying stupid things.... While McCain gets blasted for every error.

It is so loony I am not sure I would have bothered to fact check it.
Thankfully he is losing steam, that makes me less nervous.

I want to find out what he was able to bring in for July, I am hoping its a whole lot less than June... If it is, I will feel even better
I note that here and other places, the usual mob of statist dimwits grabs the microphone to announce that the subprime debacle "proves" that Capitalism doesn't work. Au contraire, it worked perfectly. Capitalism works to remove the irrational and ignorant from the marketplace. In so doing, it redirects society's scarce capital to the rational and productive.
....And, as-long-as there's no gubmint-oversight/regulations, everyone win..........uhhhhhh......nevermind..... :rolleyes:

"Earlier this year, PSI, its chief operating officer, David Karlson, and three other defendants were indicted for fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. According to the federal indictment, PSI had a $15 million contract to supply flash-bang grenades to the military before it supplied them to the FBI."
Andy wrote: [I had a car in college that got a leaking rim, and was constantly under inflated. My milage did drop, but not by that much. I'm more inclined to believe the people who claimed 3.3%. That would be far more realistic.

No, now you have convinced me it doesn't make any difference and 3.3% is even too much. Obama is simplly lying to the American people.

I'll see if I can catch it on CNN again to see how much of a lie they told.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps it depends on the car. My car tracks mileage, and I generally get 28-30 miles/gallon, depending on whether it's highway or non highway. I had a slow leak in my tire about 6 months ago, and my tire inflation light went on. I saw no visual problem, and because of my schedule it took me about a week to get it checked out and re-inflated. My mileage went down by about 3 miles per gallon. That's about a 10-14% change.

Keep in mind it is not Obama who was "lying" as you put it, by communicating these statistics. The Bush administration, as well as that horrible left-wing bastion called NASCAR, have communicated the same exact message!

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