You misread my post. What you are saying is workable in principle. I was referring to Andy's post #18. Which is a more extreme conservative view. He wants to eliminate, Social Security, Medicare, " ...Welfare, Food Stamps, VA Benefits, Unemployment compensation, a host of other hand outs,..."
Andy further states, "Even from a Christian perspective, the Bible states clearly and directly, a man who does not work... should not eat. In other words, you should starve to death."
I am claiming that Andy's type of conservatism may lead to massive social upheaval. I'm glad to see you and hopefully most conservatives are not advocating that level of governmental conservatism.
To clarify, that position is the position of the constitution, and the position of the founding fathers of our country. That position is what brought the US, the youngest country in existence, to become the sole super power over a world filled with countries and nations thousands of years older.
I personally doubt that if it was explained why each program had to be cut, that there would be much social upheaval. Why? Because in mid '90s, welfare was drastically cut. Did people go nuts? No... they went back to work.
But will this happen? Not likely. What will happen instead is we will follow the same path of destruction that other nations have followed. We have too many people more interested in their own selfish and greedy desires, than who care about the long term health of the nation.
We have too many 'Obamas' in office who promise ever increasing hand out, while never actually putting in a full days work for any wage in their life, and thus couldn't care less what is best for the nation. Only what is best for them to get votes.
No what is more likely to happen, is that we will follow the same path as the Romans. The Roman government spent an ever increasing amount of money on public programs. Then when the cost started to out-grow the money coming in, they engaged in heavy taxation. When that still did not bring in enough, they started debasement of the currency, which caused massive inflation. With inflation they introduced price controls, which naturally caused massive food scarcity. This led to riots and increasing crime, plus an uprising. This required military intervention against their own citizens.
Do you see any parallel to today? Ever increasing social spending, removal of the gold standard and inflation, heavy taxation, we have price controls, and price supports are everywhere, and military intervention against citizens could be seen in New Orleans already, so no doubt it will happen again soon. All of these things have happened in the last 40 years.
I'm not sure which fits best: The road to destruction is paved with good intentions, Or, All roads lead to Rome. Either way, we're following the exact same path the Romans followed, straight to destruction.